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There is an emergency in the first building of Zhongtai Automobile.

2024-10-23 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, a number of netizens reported that there was an emergency in a building of Zhongtai Automobile. A man climbed to the roof and firefighters were working at the scene.


According to the scene pictures provided by netizens, on the roof of Zhongtai Automobile Building, the man in white clothes and black trousers stood on the edge, above which was the corporate logo and license plate of Zhongtai Automobile. It is understood that the incident took place in a building at Zhongtai's base in Changsha, Hunan.

Subsequently, fire engines and firefighters appeared at the scene and air cushions were laid on the ground. At present, the specific circumstances of the incident are unknown.



Some netizens said that wage arrears may be involved. Another netizen said that the man was suffering from depression. There is no official notice on this matter.

In addition, due to the current operating difficulties of Zhongtai Automobile, there are financial problems, subordinate bases are basically in a state of suspension or semi-suspension of production, so some emergencies are very sensitive.

In May this year, Zhongtai Hunan Base issued a notice on the company's employees' extended holiday, saying that due to the downward pressure of the automobile industry and the serious impact of the epidemic, the holiday time of all in-service employees of the base was postponed to June 30, 2021. Except for some of the staff on duty who are on duty to protect the basic business of the company, all the rest are on holiday. The notice also shows that Zhongtai Automobile encourages employees to leave voluntarily and gives certain incentive funds.


Since 2019, the production and operation of Zhongtai Automobile has become more and more difficult. Capital problems, national six factors and its own operation all have an impact on Zhongtai, which further leads to the stagnation of production and the enterprise into crisis. The report shows that Zhongtai lost 11.19 billion yuan in 2019.

In the first half of 2020, Zhongtai Automobile's operating income was only 770 million yuan, down 76.69% from the same period last year; the net profit attributed to listed shareholders was a loss of 1.034 billion yuan, expanding the amount of loss over the same period last year. According to the report, Zhongtai Motor produced only 574 cars and sold 1417 cars in the first half of the year.

Zhongtai Automobile said that in the second half of the year, it will take various measures to raise funds to ease the pressure on the company and provide financial support for the company's follow-up development. Strive to resume normal production as soon as possible, formulate a resumption plan in stages, improve market competitiveness, continuously expand the company's sales network and channels, and maintain and enhance market share.

In response to the situation of arrears of wages to employees, Zhongtai Motor said that since October 2019, various units have owed wages to varying degrees. Therefore, in addition to normal bank financing, the company intends to find ways to solve the problem of unpaid wages and resumption of production by means of land replacement, idle and non-main business assets sale, finding partners and so on. At the same time, with the help of the government, the company is reissuing the wages owed to the staff and workers. Except for some bases, the company has completed the reissue of the wages of ordinary employees.

It is reported that Zhongtai Automobile is promoting procurement, production and marketing work in an orderly manner, and Zhongtai TS5 will be put on the market in the near future.

In 2016, Zhongtai launched a number of models, such as the T600 sports version, the SR9 and the New Damai X5, among which SR9 became Zhongtai's "star" products after its launch. Thanks to this, Zhongtai Automobile's cumulative sales reached 333100 vehicles in 2016, an increase of 50% over the same period last year, which is also the peak of Zhongtai Automobile sales. The good times did not last long, due to the subsequent outbreak of quality problems, word-of-mouth plummeted, Zhongtai car sales have been declining, after a decline in 2017, sales fell to 154800 in 2018 and only 116600 in 2019. Whether Zhongtai, which is becoming more and more difficult, can survive 2020 is also a topic of great concern to the industry.

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