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Full list of car sales in September | | attention of the automobile industry

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Industry Report >


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September 2019 domestic car sales ranking (top 10 list): 1. Volkswagen Longyi 48546 cars; 2. Nissan Xuanyi 42972 vehicles; 3. Volkswagen boosted 38394 cars; 4. 36610 Volkswagen Bora; 5. Toyota Corolla 29911; 6. 24875 Buick Yinglang; 7. Volkswagen Santana 23694; 8. Honda Civic 22260 cars; 9. Toyota Leiling 21785 vehicles; 10. 20436 Honda Accord.


September 2019 domestic SUV sales ranking (top 10 list): 1. Harvard H6 31711; 2. Volkswagen explores the mountain 22093 vehicles; 3. 21378 Geely Bowers; 4. Honda CR-V 20451 vehicles; 5. Changan CS75 20190 vehicles; 6. Volkswagen Touguan 19501; 7. Nissan Qijun 18396 vehicles; 8. Honda XR-V 17514 vehicles; 9. Nissan has 16515 free passengers; 10. Roewe RX5 16417.


September 2019 domestic MPV sales ranking (top 10 list): 1. 30879 Wuling Hongguang cars; 2. Buick GL8 15172 vehicles; 3. Baojun RM-5 8635; 4. Baojun 730 8327; 5. Baojun 360 6888; 6. BYD Song MAX 6758; 7. Dongfeng popular Lingzhi 5595 cars; 8. Honda Odyssey 4493; 9. GAC MOTOR GM6 3636; 10. Jianghuai Ruifeng 3442.


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