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The new energy vehicle industry is in the doldrums, forcing the annual sales target to be lowered.

2024-10-23 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Industry Report >


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After the rapid development, the sales of new energy vehicles stalled, and this year's sales may be the same as last year, without growth. China International Capital Corporation pointed out in the research report that the sales forecast of new energy vehicles in 2019 will be reduced to 1.2 million-1.3 million vehicles, which is basically the same as in 2018. According to the original plan, the sales target of new energy vehicles in China is 1.5 million in 2019 and 2 million in 2020.

This led China International Capital Corporation to lower his forecast for new energy vehicle sales for the whole year. Since July, new energy vehicle sales have declined for three consecutive months compared with the same period last year, including a 34.2 per cent year-on-year decline to 80,000 vehicles in September, an enlarged and higher-than-expected decline. The company believes that the reasons for the decline include the weak willingness of individual consumers to buy; the liberalization of Guangzhou and Shenzhen fuel vehicle licenses, the faster decline in new energy sales; and the impact of the macro environment on the consumption of new energy vehicles.

According to data from the China Automobile Association, the production and sales of new energy vehicles completed 888000 and 872000 respectively from January to September, an increase of 20.9% and 20.8% respectively over the same period last year.


Sales of new energy vehicles have declined for three months in a row. CCTV Finance made such a title in the report: once "outstanders", why is it suddenly "cool"?

The sales of new energy vehicles continued to decline, mainly affected by the decline in market demand and the sharp decline in subsidies.

Since June 25, the new policy on subsidies for new energy vehicles has been officially implemented in 2019. Compared with 2018, nearly 70% of the subsidies have declined, local subsidies have also been abolished, the sales costs of car companies have risen, and consumers' expenses for buying new energy vehicles have also increased. Subsidies have been reduced and sales of new energy vehicles, which rely on policy development, have accelerated their decline.

The sales of new energy vehicles mainly come from restricted cities, and the slowdown in demand for new energy in restricted cities also leads to a decline in overall sales. It is understood that in the new energy vehicle market, online car-hailing accounts for a large proportion, while private users to buy new energy vehicles have not yet become the mainstream. The convenience and value preservation rate of new energy vehicles are important indicators for users to consider new energy vehicles.


Generally speaking, China's new energy vehicles are still mainly policy-driven, and the market driving force is not strong enough. Once the policy changes, the new energy vehicle market will fluctuate greatly.

He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile, said, "take out the data of electric vehicles in China's new energy vehicles, and then take out the data of major customers sold to taxis, travel, and so on. finally, the actual sales price of less than 120000 is mainly to the travel financial solution, and the rest of the data sold to real consumers is only about tens of thousands." He Xiaopeng also said that the split data is very heavy, and there are more and more problems behind.

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