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The latest delivery list of new forces, Wei Xiaoli dropped by double digits compared with the previous month.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Data Report >


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On August 1, the new power brands NIO, Xiaopeng, ideal, Nezha and Zero announced the latest monthly delivery results. According to the ranking of the "Tramway report" statistics, the delivery volume of mainstream new power brands was more than 10,000 in July, of which the best performer was Nashi, with 14036 cars, followed by zero-running cars, followed by 12044 cars. Xiaopeng's delivery this month was relatively backward, ranking third with 11425.


Data show that 14036 cars were delivered in July, an increase of 133.5% over the same period last year. The reason why Nezha Automobile is able to lead other new power brands is mainly because of its low pricing, and the lower price of its products means that it can gain better access to the market. According to the official website, there are three models on sale at present. The price of Nezhu U series is 12.38-201800 yuan, and that of Nezhu V series is 7.99-123800 yuan. Nezhu S is a brand-new model that just appeared on the market yesterday, positioning medium and large cars. The price range is 19.98-338800 yuan, which is the most expensive model under Naga. Zhang Yong, CEO of Nezha car, called Nezha S "the best sedan car under a million". According to the delivery volume, 63131 cars were delivered in the first half of the year, of which 41378 were delivered in the V-series, which has the lowest price.


12044 zero-running cars were delivered in July, an increase of 173.5% over the same period last year. Similar to Nezha cars, zero-running car sales also come from the lowest-priced zero-running T03 model. It is understood that Zero T03 is the second production car under Zero Motor. It was launched in April 2020 and is positioned as a mini electric vehicle. A total of 51994 Zero cars were delivered in the first half of the year, of which Zero T03 delivered 33058, accounting for 64% of total Zero car sales. It is worth mentioning that the price of zero-running cars has increased in today's Guanxuan zero-running T03, with a price increase of 5600 yuan-6600 yuan. After the price adjustment, the price of zero-running T03 is 79500 yuan. As a best-selling model of Zero car, consumers choose Zero T03 because of the price, and the increase in the price of new cars will undoubtedly have an impact on sales.


It is not difficult to see that the reason why Naxi cars and zero-running cars are ahead of Wei Xiaoli mainly depends on low-end models, which also promotes the possibility that other brands begin to lay out the low-end market. According to 36 Krypton, in addition to the two brands of Ulai and Alps, Lailai plans to launch a third car brand, focusing on a market of 10-200000 yuan, and its three major brands are regarded as the relationship between "Audi-Volkswagen-Skoda" within the Volkswagen Group. Focus on luxury, high-end and low-end markets respectively. It is worth mentioning that the third brand, like NIO and Alps, operates independently and has an independent head and R & D system, and is currently recruiting a core team. However, in response to the relevant reports, Li Bin said in an interview: "there is no information to say at present." It is understood that six models, including ES8, ES6, EC6, ET7, ET5 and ES7, are currently on sale, all of which are priced at more than 300000 yuan. In order to capture the mid-and high-end market, it was revealed earlier that Xilai will launch a sub-brand independent of NIO, with a price range of 20-300000 yuan to match Tesla's Model 3 and Model Y models, but the price is about 10% cheaper than Tesla. What is certain is that NIO will launch mid-and high-end brands, focusing on the market of 20-300000 yuan, while the market of 10-200000 yuan is still the Red Sea, the layout of new energy vehicles is still relatively limited, and the main sales of traditional fuel vehicles are not yet traditional fuel vehicles. Nahan cars and zero-running cars continue to rely on the volume of low-end models, under this background, it does not rule out that NIO will launch the market of medium-and low-end brand layout. The latest figures show that 10052 new cars were delivered in July, up 26.7% from a year earlier.


The performance of Xiaopeng and ideal cars is within the rules, but they still reach the level of 10,000 vehicles, of which Xiaopeng cars and ideal cars increased by 43.3% to 11524 and 21.3% to 10422 respectively. On June 21, ideal Automobile launched the second production car, the ideal L9, with a price of 459800 yuan, which is known as "the best household flagship SUV within 5 million" and "sales will certainly exceed the ideal ONE". According to official disclosure, the ideal L9 will be delivered by the end of August, with more than 30, 000 subscribers and cumulative bookings of more than 50, 000.

According to the official website, Xiaopeng cars on sale include the compact SUV G3, the compact P5 and the medium-sized P7. The prices of these three models range from 15 yuan to 300000 yuan, only the P7 wing version is more expensive, with the highest configuration price as high as 429900 yuan. According to the plan, Xiaopeng Automobile will release the Xiaopeng G9 in August, positioning the medium and large pure electric SUV, which is expected to sell in the range of 30-400000 yuan. The positioning of the medium and large SUV is directly aligned with the standard model ES7 and ideal ONE. If the price remains the same, potential competitors of the G9 include Audi Q5L, BMW X3 and Mercedes-Benz GLC. He Xiaopeng once said bluntly, "I have great confidence in the G9. This will be the best SUV within 500000. For us, it means that we have done what others have not done, and at the same time, we have to do better what others have done."


Only from the perspective of data analysis, the delivery volume of Nezha cars and zero-running cars, which mainly hit the low end, is significantly higher than that of other brands, while Ulai, ideal and Xiaopeng, the three new head brands, all showed a month-on-month decline, of which NIO performed the worst and is most likely to be affected by the supply chain. A few days ago, Li Bin said at the NIO partner Day in 2022 that due to some advanced technology used in some models, the production capacity of casting parts in NIO encountered bottlenecks. In July, ET7 originally planned to deliver more than 4,000 sets in June, but there was a shortage of castings, resulting in fewer production of thousands of vehicles.

In addition to the new power brands, other new energy vehicle brands also release sales. Among them, GAC Aian sold 25033 vehicles, up 138% from the same period last year; polar krypton delivered 5022 vehicles, up 16.73% from the previous month; and Selis sold 7807 vehicles, up 8873.56% from the same period last year.

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