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MPV sales ranking in April 2023

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > Data Report >


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MPV sales ranking in April 2023

Watchmaking: automotive industry concern data source: FIFA retail ranking of subordinate brands 1 Buick GL8 12740360172 Buick 12740360172 momentum D9 10368345293 Wuling Hongguang S Wuling 9124435094 Chuanqi M8 GAC MOTOR 7204264865 SIENNA Toyota 7101256076 Odyssey Honda 4079102367 Chuanqi M6 GAC MOTOR 3900156408 Ericsson Honda 3730128479 Toyota 36881365510 Wuling Jiachen 30961516011 NAT Pentium 2216583912 Diamond Dongfeng 2143846913 Mercedes-Benz 1846525414 Dreamer Lantu car 1711468715 Polar Krypton 1638440016 Century Buick 1581661817 Weiran Volkswagen 1558443118 Mercedes-Benz 1510498319 Ruifeng M3 Jianghuai Ruifeng 1403683120 Golden Sea Lion Gold Cup 1353495021MAXUS G10 SAIC Chase 1209296422 Kusto Hyundai 1126311223 seahorse 1052339824 Red Flag HQ9 963371225 O'Nuo S Changanokai 962403826 Zhi Zhi M5EV Dongfeng 828155227MAXUS G50MAXUS813292228 Wuling Kailin 789334729 Roewe iMAX8 753204030 Wuling Wuling expedition Wuling 595265031 Ruilan 80v Ruilan car 481139932 Boat Dongfeng 415153033 Mont Parker E Futian 355169334 Yuanghuai M1 Buick GL6 25353336MAXUS everyone MIFA 9 SAIC Chase 20569137 scenery 330Dongfeng 202118038MAXUS EUNIQ 5 SAIC Chase 19548839 scenery 18040 Roewe iMAX8 EV 16886441 Jiahua 14933343 Ruifeng E3 Jianghuai Ruifeng 14821544 Euro Ford 14831845 Changan A600 Changan Kaicheng 14496546 seahorse 7X seahorse New Energy Tuan 8731348MAXUS G90 Chase 6748349 Chuanqi E9 GAC MOTOR 656550 Dongfeng 3577751 Pentium M9 Pentium 333352 BYD D1 BYD 2614453 Dongfeng 178254 Jiaji New Energy Geely 174755 Qiteng EX80 New Dragon Horse 5556 Baojun 43657 Baojun RM-5

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