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Too ugly? The ideal MPV rendering was punched in the face by Li.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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If ideal car launches MPV, what will happen to the domestic MPV market?

Among the MPV sales in April, Buick GL8 was still the highest, with 12740 vehicles sold in the whole month, while Tengli D9 sold more than 10,000 vehicles, with 10368 vehicles. It is not difficult to see that the hot joint venture MPV market is beginning to be carved up by China's own brands. According to statistics, eight Chinese brand models entered the TOP 15 list, including Chuanqi M8, Chuanqi M6 and Wuling Jiachen in addition to momentum D9.


In recent years, more and more brands begin to lay out the MPV market, and the price is high, and the price is basically more than 300000 yuan, such as Tengli D9, Lantu Dreamer, extreme Krypton 009, etc., especially Tengli D9, as a brand that even Mercedes-Benz was unable to save, turned to MPV market after brand renewal, and achieved good market performance, and let more and more car companies see the great potential of MPV market. One after another joined the race track to grab cake, including the ideal car.

If nothing happens, ideal Automobile will be the first brand to launch the MPV model, with the internal code name W01, which will be produced at the ideal car Green Intelligent Factory in Beijing, and the first all-electric model is expected to be offline by September. Previously, the ideal car has applied to register a number of ideal M-series logos, and the ideal M9 is expected to be the name of the first MPV model.

Regarding the ideal first MPV, a few days ago, the road trial spy photos of the W01 project model were exposed on the network one after another. From the spy photos, the overall appearance of the W01 can be said to be very intuitive and impressive, because unlike other MPV models on the market, the W01 presents a "bullet" design language like the Harmony train, which is one of the widely discussed slots of the car. However, the whole car is still in a state of high camouflage, unable to see the specific design style of the front face.




As a result, some car bloggers created an unofficial ideal W01 rendering video for road test espionage photos and referring to the existing model design style of the ideal car. From the video point of view, the shape of the ideal MPV is different from that of the MPV on the market. Its A-pillar is very inclined, resembling a whale with a large throughput, and its front face is equipped with a very large raised windshield, which should be able to bring lower wind resistance from the angle of the glass. At the same time, the highly inclined glass is connected to the front cabin, making the whole front look like the Harmony train. In addition, its front face still refers to the design style of the existing model of the ideal car, but with reference to its pure electric model, it is expected to adopt a closed design.




In fact, with reference to spy photos and unofficial renderings, the shape of the ideal MPV does look a little different, similar to the modern all-electric MPV Staria, which is one of the areas that many netizens complain about. However, Li Xiang does not agree that rendering is the final form of the ideal MPV. "if I'm really designed like this, I'll kill the design team and jump off a building," Li retweeted on Weibo.


According to the summary of the project, the ideal W01 has a length of 5300-5400mm, a width of 1900-2000mm, a height of 1800-1900mm and a wheelbase of 3200-3400mm, which is larger than the potential D9 and polar krypton 009. The interior space is expected to be a major attraction of the ideal MPV. Of course, the price is also much higher.

Earlier, Li Xiang said on Weibo, "one whale (aircraft carrier) and five sharks (ships) form a fleet of ideal automobile high-voltage pure electricity." It is not difficult to speculate that ideal will launch six new all-electric models, and Whale is the first MPV all-electric model, which will be released this year and delivered in 2024. Sharks should correspond to other types of passenger cars, that is, cars or SUV.

At present, the ideal MPV plan should be certain, and after the launch of the ideal W01, it is expected to compete with models such as extreme Krypton 009 (49.90-588000) and Tengli D9 (33.58-445800), and the price is likely to be within this range.

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