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The price is rolled up again! GAC Ean offers car purchase discount

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, Eian Automobile launched a "buy a car with full insurance, Eian time-limited delivery" activity in an official Weibo post. According to the content of the poster: during the period from May 26 to June 30, 2023, you can enjoy full insurance of 5000 to 10000 yuan when you buy some models owned by Ian, as well as financial discounts, replacement subsidies, new car recharging gifts and other financial gifts. Specifically, the purchase of AION Y Plus 80 series premium up to 5000 yuan full insurance, AION S Plus premium up to 6000 yuan full insurance, AION V Plus premium up to 6500 yuan full insurance, AION LX Plus premium up to 10000 yuan full insurance. The event also means that as long as consumers buy models in the event, they can save a considerable amount of full insurance costs.


Relevant data show that GAC Ean is GAC GROUP's new energy vehicle brand, formerly known as GAC NE. GAC NE brand was officially registered on July 28th. In November 2020, GAC Eian officially became independent, and its name was changed from GAC NE to GAC Eian. In September 2022, GAC held a press conference on the Eian brand in Guangzhou. The brand new LOGO was officially announced and launched, as well as a new high-end brand-Hopin Hyper. The first super car named Hyper SSR,0-100km/h has an acceleration time of only 1.9 seconds and a pre-price range of 128.6-1.686 million. Delivery will officially begin in October 2023. On April 16, 2023, Haopin Hyper GT, a subsidiary of GAC, was officially pre-sold with a pre-sale price range of 21.99-339900 yuan.

According to GAC's official website, Eian's current models on sale are Hyper SSR, Hyper GT, AION S, AION Y, AION S Plus, AION V Plus and AION LX Plus, covering mid-range models and sports cars.


From this discount model, we can see that most of the models under Eian have participated in the event. Of course, the offer this time may have something to do with the earlier planned sales target for 2023 and market competition. According to the official plan, the 2023 target is to guarantee 500000 vehicles, strive for 600000 vehicles, and strive to achieve sales of 1 million vehicles by 2025. According to relevant data, GAC Ean sold 271000 vehicles in 2022, an increase of 126 per cent over the same period last year. After entering 2023, GAC Ean's January sales were not very bright, with only 10206 units sold in January, down 36.3 per cent from the same period last year and 66 per cent from the previous month.


In order to boost sales, GAC EA also launched a time-limited promotion in February. Among them, 5000 yuan per vehicle time-limited delivery incentive is provided for AION Y series and AION S Plus (excluding 70 pleasure version) models, and financial subsidies of 0 interest for 3 years and low down payment are provided for all Eian models except AION S dazzling / enchantment. Or affected by time-limited activities, Ean rose 253 per cent in February from a year earlier, with sales reaching 30086 units, up 195 per cent from a month earlier. Sales in March were 40016, up 97 per cent year-on-year and 33 per cent month-on-month. Sales continued to rise in April, with sales of 41012 vehicles up 302 per cent from a year earlier, up 2.5 per cent from a month earlier. From January to April, GAC Ean sold a total of 121320 vehicles, an increase of 120% over the same period last year. If you follow this upward trend, it does not seem difficult to meet the 500000 sales target set by the authorities earlier.


It is worth noting that after Tesla fired the first shot in the price war this year, the car market has also become extremely competitive. In response to the current price war in the car market, Feng Xingya, general manager of GAC GROUP, said in March that the situation had changed dramatically in 2023, especially the price reduction in the first quarter had brought about various impacts, and GAC was also ready to deal with it. To run an enterprise is to fight a war, and if you are not afraid of war, you are afraid that there is nothing you can do about it. However, do not take the initiative to fight this kind of consumptive price war, which may affect high-quality development, but we are not afraid to fight even if we encounter it. Feng Xingya pointed out that GAC is ready to fight a price war at any time and has also made full preparations in terms of budget.

According to the forecast of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the automobile market will continue to develop steadily in 2023, with a growth rate of about 3%. It may not be difficult to understand why GAC Ean launched a time-limited discount at this time. After all, at a time when many car companies are struggling to grab market share, the introduction of preferential measures can not only increase sales to a certain extent, but also help to seize more market share. In addition, GAC's Hyper GT will be launched in June, and GAC's Ean sales will further increase with the launch of new cars.

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