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How much longer will it last? Weimar was frozen another 22.485 million RMB.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the information of "Automotive Industry concern", Zhengweima Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. added an equity freeze information to Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd., freezing the equity amount of 22.485 million yuan. The freeze period is from May 25, 2023 to May 24, 2026. The executive court is the Lucheng District people's Court of Wenzhou City.


Prior to this, Zhengweima Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. also had the information of equity freeze on April 6, and the person subject to execution was also Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd., freezing the equity amount of 2.313378 million RMB. The freeze period is from April 6, 2023 to April 5, 2026. The enforcement court is the Shanghai Qingpu District people's Court.


On March 10 this year, Weimar announced the formation of a new company. As a result, Zhengweima Automotive Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established with Peng Wenjun as its legal representative and a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. The equity penetration map shows that the company is jointly owned by Shenzhen Zhengwei Energy Holdings Co., Ltd., and Weima Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd., with a shareholding ratio of 55:45.


For Weima in 2023, just like what its founder Shen Hui said to "live like an animal", the negative Weima car is indeed as difficult as an "animal". Negative news such as suspension of pay, factory shutdown, store closure, rent and property fees in the headquarters building forced Weima to "lie down in ICU", almost endangering the situation. As a result, there will be the sound of "Weimar is dying" from time to time in the industry.

Reviewing the development process of Weima Automobile, in fact, compared with the current mainstream car-building new force "Wei Xiaoli", it can be said to have strong teachers. At the beginning of its establishment, it had two highly automated self-built factories in Wenzhou and Huanggang. And in terms of financing, it has become the largest single-round financing in the history of the new forces of car-building. In terms of sales, it was once as famous as "Wei Xiaoli" and called the four Little Dragons of the new force of car-building, almost at its peak. But it is a pity that Weimar died halfway and failed to reach the terminal.


Since the second half of 2022, Weimar has been caught in a situation of "continuous negative storm", and it is still unable to get out of this dilemma. In mid-May, media reported that the Weima 4S store in Haikou, Hainan Province, was closed with car problems, no after-sale and no accessories, and more than 2000 owners were difficult to maintain.

As for the reasons for Weima's collapse, the industry believes that, in addition to financial constraints, what is more important is that Weima's products are not competitive in the car market and face a number of lawsuits, which is also a difficult problem that Weima Motor urgently needs to solve.


The intensification of the knockout stage of new energy vehicles has been a consensus in the industry, and Weimar is not the only car company that has been reported to be "dying" since 2023. Car companies such as Skyline and Aichi have successively exposed problems such as factory shutdowns, store closures and wage arrears.

Shen Hui has previously said: "in the next five years, the new vehicle penetration rate of China's new energy vehicles will exceed 50%, while for new energy vehicle companies, the first half of the competition is not over. In the past, the traditional fuel vehicle market was ten times bloodier than the current competition for new energy vehicles." The intensification of the knockout stages is bound to aggravate the reshuffle of the auto industry, and time is running out for both the new energy car companies still on the table and the new forces that are about to enter.

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