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Another central car company manager has been investigated!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the website of the National Supervisory Commission of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection, seven managers of the central enterprise are undergoing disciplinary examination and supervision investigation, involving a central automobile company: Yu Bo, head of the vehicle Test Department of the Technology Center of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd., is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd. And the Shiyan City Supervisory Committee of Hubei Province.


According to the data, Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Company was the predecessor of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Company, which began construction in 1969 and formally put into production in 1975 (renamed Dongfeng Automobile Company in 1992). After Dongfeng Motor Company and Nissan Motor Company of Japan jointly established Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd., the largest joint venture company in China's automobile industry in 2003. Dongfeng Motor Company's former medium and heavy commercial vehicle assets and business have all entered Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd., and become the medium and heavy commercial vehicle division of Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. In January 2015, Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd., jointly invested by Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. and Volvo Group, was officially established and operated in Shiyan, Hubei Province.

In February 2023, Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd. held a cadre meeting and announced the decision to adjust the leadership of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd. Wang Wei will no longer hold the position of general manager of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd. Zhang Xiaofan is recommended as general manager of Dongfeng Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd.

On April 23, the website of the National Supervisory Commission of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection released news that five managers of central enterprises are undergoing disciplinary examination and supervision investigation. among them, two central car companies are involved: 1. Xiong Aiguo, former party committee secretary and general manager of the Special equipment Division of Dongfeng Company (Dongfeng off-road vehicle Co., Ltd.), is suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Supervisory Commission of Shiyan City, Hubei Province. 2. Wang Xiuyang, former general manager of FAW Foshan FAW International Logistics Co., Ltd., is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by China FAW discipline Inspection Commission and Foshan City Supervisory Commission of Guangdong Province, suspected of serious violations of discipline and law.


On May 25, the website of the National Supervisory Commission of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection announced that five managers of central enterprises are under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation. among them, two central car companies are involved: lan Xiaobing, deputy general manager of the sales branch of China FAW Pentium car Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the China FAW discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervisory Commission of Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province.


On April 26, the website of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission published an article entitled "centralized release of information on examination and investigation of managers of state-owned enterprises and focus on rectification in key areas." The article said: since the 19th CPC National Congress, the State Supervisory Commission of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection has successively investigated and dealt with the cases of more than 20 middle management cadres in enterprises, including Sun Bo, Hu Mingming, Yun Citizen, Locke, Yin Jiaxu, Xie Changjun, and Li Guohua. Since 2020, the Plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection has made the anti-corruption work of state-owned enterprises a key task for four consecutive years. The second Plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for discipline Inspection listed state-owned enterprises as key areas of anti-corruption to strengthen deployment, emphasizing the resolute elimination of industrial, systematic, and regional corruption with great risks.

At present, the situation of party style and clean government building and anti-corruption struggle in state-owned central enterprises is still grim and complicated. The reason why some central enterprises have exposed many problems of responsibility, work style and corruption. With a view to solving the problems existing in the news released by the discipline inspection and supervision agencies of the state-owned central enterprises, the fourth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection focuses on the centralized, unified and standardized release of information on examination and investigation of managers of state-owned central enterprises, explores the establishment of a centralized mechanism for the release of examination and investigation information, and publishes the serious cases of discipline violations investigated and dealt with by the discipline inspection and supervision organs of the contact units in batches.

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