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The price starts at 200000? Buick E4 official picture released

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 12, SAIC GM Buick officially announced the official picture of its new pure electric medium and large sedan car SUV--ELECTRA E4. After the Buick E5, the ELECTRA E4 is the second model built by the Buick brand based on the Autenon pure electric platform. It has two choices of ordinary version and GS version in appearance, and offers single-motor two-wheel-drive and dual-motor all-wheel-drive versions. According to the plan, the new car may go on sale on June 19, with the starting price expected to be in the range of 20-300000 yuan. As a reference, the current price range of Electra E5 is 20.89-278900 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a new "PLRE Design" design concept, which highly restores the ELECTRA-X concept car design. Specifically, the front face of the new car uses a large trapezoidal grille design, the interior is supplemented by black honeycomb shape, chrome strips are added around the frame to enhance the sense of fashion, and the headlights on both sides are family-style. With the new Buick brand logo, the overall recognition is extremely high and full of movement.



On the side of the body, the new car has smooth lines and adopts slip-back design, with hidden door handles and low wind resistance wheels, which makes the vehicle more car-running SUV design style. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4818/1912/1581mm, the wheelbase is 2954mm, and the positioning is medium and large SUV level. For comparison, the Buick E5 has a length, width and height of 4892/1905/1684mm and a wheelbase of 2954mm. In the rear part, the new car taillight adopts a penetrating design with a longitudinal trim, together with the upward ducktail design, which further enhances the visual tension of the vehicle.

In the interior part, the functional layout of the new car center console is similar to that of the Buick E5, with an EYEMAX 30-inch curved 6K connected screen and a built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip. Among them, the EYEMAX 30-inch curved 6K connected screen is composed of liquid crystal dashboard and multimedia display screen. In addition, the new car is equipped with 1.2m2 canopy roof and 121color rhythmic atmosphere lights.

In terms of power, the official has not yet released detailed information on the power system and mileage, it is understood that the new car is expected to provide three power options, the maximum power of the single motor version is 150kW and 180kW respectively; the maximum power of the dual-motor version is 211kW, the expected peak torque is 465N ·m, and the maximum speed is 180kmxh; the new car will be equipped with lithium iron phosphate blade battery or ternary lithium battery with pure electric mileage of 530km/620km/650km respectively.

In addition to the official release of the ordinary version of the model, previously exposed real car pictures show that the Buick E4 will also launch the GS version, which can be regarded as a Buick E4 sports suite model.


At present, in the field of new energy, Buick brand layout micro-blue 6, micro-blue 7 and Buick E5 three models, of which the micro-blue 6 was launched in 2019, is the Buick brand's first pure electric vehicle, the current price range is 16.16-196900 yuan; micro-blue 7 launched in July 2020, positioning pure electric SUV, the current price range is 19.78-217800 yuan. On April 13 this year, the Buick E5 officially went on sale, offering a total of five models with a price range of 20.89-278900 yuan. As the first pure electric vehicle based on Buick Orteergy pure electric platform, the car is located in a medium and large pure electric SUV, using Buick's latest LOGO and the latest family design language. In power, except for the Buick E5 Avia with front / rear dual motors and four-wheel drive system, the other four models are single motor and front wheel drive.

But at present, the market sales performance of these models are very mediocre. Sales in May, for example, were 1534 for the Micro Blue 6, 318 for the Buick E5 and 7 for the Micro Blue 7. According to the plan, by the end of 2025, Buick will launch five Autor platform models and the SAIC GM brand will launch 10 models. It is worth watching whether the launch of more models will bring new sales growth to Buick.

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