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BYD Hong Kong store damaged, police: eight people have been arrested

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, the vandalism of several BYD stores in Hong Kong has attracted the attention of a large number of netizens.


According to the World wide Web, Hong Kong police have arrested eight people so far. The eight suspects arrested are all from Hong Kong, involving seven men and one woman, the report said. Today, all the arrested persons appeared in Fanling Magistracy in Hong Kong. Four persons were charged with "criminal damage", "conspiracy to criminal damage", "not having a valid driving licence while driving" and "driving without third party insurance". The remaining three were released on bail and are required to report to the Hong Kong Police in mid-August. Another arrested person is being detained for investigation.


Review of related events: in the early morning of June 12, the window of the BYD showroom at Zhongjing Financial Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui was first discovered by Hong Kong police officers on patrol that the window glass and floor were sprayed with red paint. The area of red paint sprayed is about 8 metres by 3 metres. a 2-litre red paint can was found in the vicinity of the scene. the case was handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Tsim Sha Tsui for investigation. At 04:05, BYD's showroom, located on the ground floor of the majestic industrial building at 20 Wang Yip Street West, Yuen long, was also damaged and was driven into the main gate by a private car. As can be seen from the exposed pictures, the main gate that was hit has completely deformed and sunken in the middle. After investigation, Hong Kong Police officers said that the case was a missing car and the case was classified as criminal damage and possession of false documents, which was temporarily handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Yuen long District to track down the culprits.

Another showroom at BYD's ground floor shop, 200 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, was splashed with red paint at 05:52 on the same day, covering an area of about 4 metres by 2 metres. A paint can was also left at the scene, belonging to the same brand as the oil tank seized by the Hong Kong Police in Tsim Sha Tsui. the case was handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Wan Chai for further investigation. At 06:51 on the 12th, BYD's service centre on Ping Ha Road, Tin Shui Wai was also damaged. The case was also classified as criminal damage and handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Yuen long Police for investigation.


In response to the damage to many of BYD's stores, JCM, BYD's exclusive agent in Hong Kong, issued a statement a few days ago, saying: the violent attack and criminal damage to the company's rooms in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories have been reported and will cooperate with the Hong Kong police in their investigation, and everything will be dealt with by the police. At the same time, the General Assembly also said: strongly condemn any act that disturbs public order, and call on all sectors of society to work together to maintain social order and stability.


With regard to the progress of the incident, the Hong Kong police said that on the 15th and 16th, six local men and women, aged between 34 and 48, were arrested in Yuen long and Tuen Mun, who were reported to be unemployed, couriers, car repairmen, etc., among them, five men were involved in triad backgrounds, who were mainly responsible for pouring oil, picking up drivers and arranging vehicle middlemen in this abominable incident. None of these people have worked for BYD-related companies in Hong Kong. Police said: this case involves a dispute and the preliminary judgment is not directed against BYD itself. At present, the operation continues and does not rule out the possibility of more arrests.

According to public data, JCM won the exclusive distributor of BYD Motors in Hong Kong in 2021. Last November, BYD entered the Hong Kong local market for sales, including ATTO 3 and second-generation E6 models. At present, according to BYD's Hong Kong website, the models represented by the UN General Assembly are ATTO 3, E6, T3, dolphins, seals and E6 taxis.

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