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A Tesla crashed into a minibus in Haikou, killing one and injuring one. Police: the vehicle has been sent for appraisal.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 19, a video about a black Tesla driving at high speed on the road in Haikou crashed into a white minibus on the Internet, which instantly attracted the attention of netizens.

According to the exposed video shows: at the crossroads, a black Tesla hit a white minibus at a very fast speed, the white minibus was hit several meters, seriously damaged. The hood was hit and lifted, the position of the door was seriously deformed, the vehicle was almost scrapped, and the body parts were scattered all over the floor.


According to the merchants at the scene, after the white minibus was hit, a child was thrown out of the roadside green belt. A citizen passing by the scene of the accident said that a cordon had been set up around the site when he passed the road, and police and ambulances rushed to the scene to rescue.

It is understood that the accident occurred at the intersection of Haidian Island Century Avenue and Wanxing Road in Meilan District, Haikou City. After the white vehicle was hit by Tesla, it lost control and crashed into two minibuses parked on the side of the road, resulting in the unfortunate death of the driver of the white minibus.



From the pictures exposed at the scene, we can see that the black Tesla vehicle has changed beyond recognition after the collision with the white vehicle, and the front position of the car is also out of shape.


On the afternoon of the same day, Haikou traffic police issued a notice saying that at about 10: 40 on June 19, Zhang Mouxi (female, 27) was driving a black minibus from south to north along Coastal Century Avenue to the intersection of Century Avenue and Wanxing Road. he crashed into a white minibus running normally from west to east, killing the driver Li (male, 49) and injuring one of the passengers on board, who was taken to hospital for treatment. After the black car hit the white car, it hit another minibus in the driveway. After the white car was hit, it lost control and crashed into two minibuses parked on the side of the road.

At the same time, the circular also mentioned that the perpetrator, Zhang Mouxi, has been controlled, and the vehicle causing the accident has been entrusted to relevant institutions for technical inspection and identification. The cause of the accident is under further investigation. Tesla said in response to the media that there is no specific response to the incident and will wait for the final results of the police investigation.


It is worth noting that from the video, we can see that in the accident, the speed of black Tesla was very fast, and the traffic did not slow down at the intersection. Based on the above, or the vehicle problems can not lead to normal braking, or the driver driving the vehicle improperly, due to their own reasons. Of course, the cause of the accident has yet to be officially announced.

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