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Aichi car replacement CEO!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On July 21, Aichi issued a notice on the appointment of the company's CEO and CFO. Aichi Automobile said that Zhu Xiaohua was appointed as the CEO of the company, responsible for the daily operation and management of the company, the appointment date is from July 18, 2023, and Tang Meiyu is appointed as the company's financial director, responsible for the financial management of the company, the appointment date is from July 18, 2023.


At the same time, Aichi Auto employees also received a notice on the establishment of an interim working group on shareholder governance sent by the Human Resources Department. The "notice" shows that in order to promote the healthy development of the company, rectify the company's business operations, and resume daily operation, the company's shareholders' meeting approved the establishment of a temporary working group on shareholder governance, with Zhu Xiaohua and Fu Qiang as the leaders of the interim working group on shareholder governance, responsible for the operation and management of the company. In addition, Aichi will set up working groups such as the work resumption group, the R & D group, the overseas group, the domestic sales group, the fuse financing group, the IT group, the personnel group, the finance group, the legal group, and the general affairs group.


The industry believes that this move means that Aichi will resume work and production, and the internal adjustment of the company is because foreign capital has been stationed. Zhu Xiaohua is the personnel dispatched by the management, but the specific information of the management is not disclosed in the document. It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yang, as chairman of the company, did not appear in the relevant documents, and the industry revealed that Zhang Yang may have left the company. According to the official website, Zhang Yang is still chairman of Aichi Automobile, Qiu Xiaochuan is CEO, and Fu Qiang is president.


Data show that Aichi was founded in 2017 by Fu Qiang, a former executive at Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volvo, headquartered in Shanghai Changyang Valley Creative Industrial Park and production base in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. Aichi was one of the first new power companies in China to achieve mass delivery, but the sales of its U5 and U6 models were not ideal. With the shutdown of the Aichi Shangrao plant, Aichi's delivery volume sank and fell off a cliff. Only 111 cars were sold in China in the first half of the year, and relevant sales data have not been available since April.


After entering 2023, the operating condition of Aichi has been not optimistic. On June 27, there was a letter entitled "call for Justice!" The long article that nearly 2000 families ask Aichi for a collective salary has spread on the Internet. The article pointed out that nearly 2000 Aichi automobile employees have been in arrears for more than three months, and their related demands have been ignored, cutting off their wages, social security and endless work from home. At the same time, due to the financial crisis, Aichi Automotive Shanghai headquarters has returned the rent, its unpaid rent has reached 1.1509 million yuan, the park property has taken power outage measures to Aichi Automotive Office, and employees are eventually forced to work from home. In addition, a number of Aichi official App sections have been emptied a few days ago, including maintenance service packages, vehicle lifetime warranty rights, discharge guns and other services have been unable to use normally.


Since the beginning of 2023, with the increasingly fierce market competition brought about by the price war and the frequent problems of the capital chain caused by poor financing, a number of automobile start-ups have fallen into operational difficulties, including Weimar, Tianjing, Reading and so on. The living conditions are worrying, and even have no choice but to file for bankruptcy.

Product power is insufficient, financing channels are broken. At a time when the competition for new energy vehicles is becoming increasingly fierce, it is only a matter of time before Aichi cars go into a desperate situation. According to the Tramway report, although the fundamentals at the beginning of its establishment are not bad, over the years, Aichi has neither innovative products and patents nor a strong leadership team, and has lost the ability to compete with other brands. and lost the opportunity to prove to the market.

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