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Heavy! Huawei cooperates with Chery to name its first model "LUXEED".

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Huawei is accelerating the expansion of its smart car model, this time with Chery.

Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, terminal BG CEO and BU CEO of Huawei's smart car solution, posted on personal Weibo on Aug. 7 that the first pure electric sedan of Huawei's smart car selection business will be the first to carry HarmonyOS 4. At the same time, Yu Chengdong further explained: "as a new category of smart cars, the new car will adopt a subversive design language and bring a car running experience that breaks through imagination." Yu Chengdong said that the car is a new category of Huawei's smart car business and will "meet with you" this quarter, along with a picture of the sedan model.


The new car is the first model of a new smart car brand launched by Huawei and Chery, but the new car logo no longer uses the "AITO" serial name, but is named "LUXEED". The new car logo currently belongs to Chery. "Automotive Industry concern" from the heavenly eye to understand, as early as April 2019, Chery Automobile applied for the registration of the "LUXEED" trademark, the current trademark status is "in the application".

From the pictures released by Yu Chengdong, we can see that the appearance of the new car adopts a brand new design style, with a closed grille design on the front face, a headlight group similar to the shape of "C" on both sides, and runs through the central light belt, and the front of the engine hatch cover is the English character logo of the "LUXEED" brand, which is highly recognizable in visual effects. The new car will also be equipped with Brembo brake calipers and lightweight double five-spoke rims to improve vehicle performance. In addition, the new car is equipped with a lidar on the roof and is expected to be equipped with Huawei's ADS 2.0 intelligent driving system.


Interestingly, under the Weibo comment area posted by Yu Chengdong, the new car logo has also aroused heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens commented: "it seems that AITO's brand IP should be exclusive to Cyrus." Some netizens also believe that AITO is originally owned by Cyrus, while the question belongs to Huawei, while the new car is based on Xingtu platform and should be distinguished by "Luxeed XX and Aito MX".

Chery is a car company that Huawei cooperates with in the smart car model. Last September, Chery announced plans to develop a smart electric car brand in partnership with Huawei Smart car, and plans to launch two of five high-end smart electric models in 2023. The code names of the two models have also been exposed online before, one of which is the pure electric sedan EH3, and the other is the pure electric SUV EHY. In addition, espionage photos of the test model, the internal code-named EH3, have been posted online, which is based on the same E0X platform as the Xintu era ES, and is expected to be a joint venture between Chery and Huawei, according to industry sources.


The spy photos of the EH3 test car were exposed earlier.

In fact, at the 100-person meeting of electric cars in China in April this year, Yu Chengdong said that the boundary is currently produced by Cyrus, and Chery, BAIC and Jianghuai will also join. Then, at the 2023 China Automobile Chongqing Forum held in June, Yin Tongyue, party secretary and chairman of Chery Automobile, also revealed that the cooperation with Huawei would be unveiled in the fourth quarter and said that it would cooperate deeply under the norms of national laws. At the end of the same month, media reported that Huawei's smart car selection business was building a car sales store different from the current mobile phone stores, specifically for the sale of Huawei smart car ecological alliance models, including the AITO interface series already on sale and planned cooperative models such as Chery, Jianghuai and polar fox. As for Huawei's smart car business, why should it build a special store? Industry analysis may be related to the gradual increase in the number of partners in Huawei's smart selection model, and it may also be to further control the voice of the channel.

Huawei launched the smart car model in 2021, which is deeply involved in product definition, vehicle design and channel sales. It is the closest cooperation between Huawei and carmakers and is considered to be the most "flamboyant" model. Based on this model, in December of the following year, Cyrus and Huawei jointly launched a new high-end brand "AITO ask the World". As Huawei's deeply empowered high-end smart car brand, the brand has achieved good sales performance after its launch. In 2022, AITO delivered more than 75000 new cars, making it the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles.


The success of AITO in the auto market also gives Huawei a taste of the "sweetness" of the smart car model. Nowadays, the smart car selection model has become one of the important choices for Huawei to cooperate with car companies. At present, in addition to AITO, follow-up car companies including Chery, Jianghuai and BAIC will also join Huawei's smart car selection model. Of course, as more and more partners join Smart car, Huawei is bound to face marketing problems, but Yu Chengdong has said that Huawei wants to uniformly manage and market the products of many car companies. because if each car company uses a different brand, it will be very complicated in marketing, service and retail, so it wants to adopt a common element and brand.

In terms of the pace of Huawei's product launch with Chery, Huawei's progress in smart car selection is clearly accelerating. Before that, Yu Chengdong said that in the era of automobile intelligence, only giants have enough resources to invest, but it is very difficult for ordinary companies to survive in a "more voluminous" market. BYD is stable, and if others want to live, they have to follow Huawei. So, do you think the smart car cooperation model between Huawei and Chery can create a new miracle?


Yu Chengdong was the first to announce the official release of HarmonyOS 4 (hereinafter referred to as "Hongmeng 4") at the 2023 Huawei developer Conference on the afternoon of August 4. It is understood that the latest Hongmeng 4 system has the characteristics of meta-service, distributed Internet of everything, greater wisdom, more security, more personality and so on. In addition to the above-mentioned cars will carry Hongmeng 4, the third SUV model of the brand, the M9, will also be equipped with the newly upgraded Hongmeng 4 system, which will go on sale in the fourth quarter of this year.

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