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July / January-July 2023 domestic passenger car / SUV/MPV/ New Energy vehicle sales list

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Domestic passenger car retail sales in July were 1.775 million units, down 2.3 percent year-on-year and 6.3 percent month-on-month, according to the association. Among them, the sales volume of new energy electric vehicles was 641,000, an increase of 31.9% year-on-year. Among the sub-models, car sales in July fell 7.1% year-on-year to 838,000 units, accounting for 47.2% of all passenger car sales;SUV sales increased 1.4% year-on-year to 843,000 units, accounting for 47.5%;MPV sales increased 12.3% year-on-year to 93,000 units, accounting for 5.2%.

Top 20 Car List

According to the TOP 10 list of car sales in July, the top three best-selling cars in July were Qin PLUS, Xuanyi and Lavida, with sales of 37,100, 29,700 and 28,900 respectively. In the list, BYD's Han, Seagull and Dolphin sales also exceeded 20,000, with sales of 25,200, 25,000 and 21,800 respectively. In addition, Sagitar, AION S, Civic and Camry also made the top ten.


According to the analysis of TOP 10 SUV sales list in July, the sales volume of 4 models exceeded 20,000 in July, among which the first three models were electric vehicles, Song PLUS new energy sales volume was 29991, Model Y was 23,600 and Yuan PLUS was 23,600. However, in the first July of this year, Model Y sales are still ahead of Song PLUS New Energy.

Chang 'an CS75 PLUS is the only fuel vehicle in the top 5 models on the list and the best-selling fuel vehicle on the SUV list, with sales of 21,300 vehicles in July. Among the joint ventures, the best-selling SUV models were Honda CR-V, Fenglanda and Rongfang, with sales of 15,600, 14,500 and 14,300 respectively.

MPV Top 20

Compared with cars and SUVs, the MPV market has a smaller share of the auto market, and the overall monthly list does not change much. According to the list, the sales volume of Tengshi D9 and Buick GL8 exceeded 10,000 vehicles in July, with sales volume of 11,100 and 10,700 respectively. As the first model launched after the rejuvenation of Tengshi Automobile, Tengshi D9 competitors include Buick GL8, Toyota Sana, Lantu Dreamer, Polar Krypton 009 and other models. From the first July of this year, the cumulative sales volume of Tengshi D9 is 67,300 vehicles, second only to Wuling Macro S (71,100 vehicles).

The sales performance of other MPV models in July was relatively stable, among which, Wuling macro S was 9174, Chuanqi M8 was 7462, Toyota Sana was 7094, and the sales volume of other MPV models was less than 5000.

Top 20 New Energy List

Finally, look at the sales volume of new energy vehicles TOP 10. There are 8 models with sales volume of more than 20,000 vehicles in July, among which BYD Qin PLUS ranks first with sales volume of 37,100 vehicles. In addition, because BYD is currently selling new energy vehicles, 7 of the top 10 models on the list come from BYD. In addition to Qin PLUS, Song PLUS New Energy, Han, Seagull, Yuan PLUS, Dolphin and Song Pro New Energy also appear in the list. In addition, Tesla Model Y and Ai An AION S sold more than 20,000 vehicles in July, 23,600 and 22,400 respectively.


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