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Great Wall executives bombarded BYD again!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Wang Yuanli, CTO of Great Wall Motor, posted again on Weibo on Aug. 14: "No matter how big the pattern is, you can't hide your inner panic." It comes with three screenshots of BYD's response to steam emission patents to investors and its centralized switch of high-pressure fuel tanks in May.


Car blogger Sihan said on Weibo, "We visited a number of BYD 4S stores over the weekend and found a surprising result: many BYD models have quietly switched to high-pressure fuel tanks. BYD has plausibly said that it has independently developed steam emission control technology for atmospheric fuel tanks, which is patented, reasonable and legal.


To this end, the blogger raised three questions: 1. BYD claims that it has a patent to solve the emission problem, but we can see that the patent has not been approved, it is just a paper application, so can it be understood that the patent confuses the public and wants to cover it up? 2. BYD keeps saying that its atmospheric fuel tank is fine, so what is the purpose of forcing OTA to secretly start the engine and quickly switch high-pressure fuel tanks? 3. Is it fair for the old owners of atmospheric fuel tanks with a scale of nearly 2 million to fully switch high-pressure fuel tanks for new cars?


Although "Great Wall Motor reported the BYD incident" has not yet been officially confirmed, but the Great Wall Automobile CTO undoubtedly pushed the incident to the best part.

On August 9, BYD's 5 millionth new energy vehicle went offline. At the press conference, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, recalled BYD's development in the past 20 years, choking tears several times in the middle. Outside the event, BYD put all its competitors' electric cars together, including Harvard's MAX, a fierce dragon from Great Wall, while the meaning behind "together is a Chinese car" is even more meaningful.


That night, BYD officially released a video with the theme "together is a Chinese car", reviewing the development history of Chinese cars and paying tribute to all Chinese car brands. At such an important moment, BYD's series of operations have also been recognized by many manufacturers, and the pattern has been instantly raised to a new height. To this end, FAW Red Flag, Xiaopeng Automobile, Chery Automobile, Lantu Automobile, GAC Ean and other car companies expressed congratulations.

Great Wall did not praise YD's 5 million new energy vehicles off the line, nor did it take BYD's tribute seriously. Wang Yuanli, CTO of Great Wall Motors, retweeted the article on Weibo on Aug. 11, saying that Chinese automobile companies must face the reality of competition. Instead of moral kidnapping, commerce still has to be solved with commercial logic. If it is only emphasized verbally, it must be honey in the mouth and arsenic in the heart, so it would be better to fight first and then get together.



That night, Wang Yuanli posted on Weibo again: 'what on earth is the correct posture for Chinese cars together?' It is the enterprise hearts with the same values that come together, rather than cover up the inner pallor with the grand narrative of the national complex. First of all, we are a society under the rule of law, followed by a human society. Even if you play the emotional card, you have to abide by the law and discipline. This is the bottom line.

At the same time, Wang Yuanli also revealed the latest progress of the "Great Wall Automobile reporting BYD" incident: on June 25, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment launched a joint investigation into the fact that Great Wall Motor reported to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on April 11 that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i and BYD Song PLUS DM-i used atmospheric fuel tanks suspected of substandard emissions of evaporative pollutants from entire vehicles. Let's wait and see.

Some netizens agreed with Wang Yuanli's view that "BYD took the oath of royal power, took the lead on its own, and was really arrogant in the name of" moral kidnapping "blackmailing Chinese car brands, while others said," Great Wall Motor reported BYD. It's normal to have ideas, but it's good to have an internal meeting to talk about it, and it looks low in EQ. "

In the short term, the competition and contradiction between Great Wall Motor and BYD will not disappear, at least until BYD's emission time investigation results come out, and whether BYD has emissions fraud, and whether its production and sales of Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i are in compliance with the regulations, we can only look forward to the official final investigation results.

BYD, which calls itself a "new energy leader", has created a new miracle by taking 5 million new energy vehicles off the line in such a short time, breaking the situation of joint venture brands monopolizing the Chinese market. It also has the strength to wrestle with world-class auto giants.

The competition between BYD and Great Wall is the result of the market decision, but the escalation of public opinion is not good for both Great Wall and BYD in the long run. With the development of new energy industry and Chinese brands, we still rely on unity and mutual assistance to reach the global market. It is normal that there are estrangement, controversy and contradiction between brothers, but the situation of being stuck in the wall will not occur again and again.

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