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Named "Wuling Xingguang"! The official picture of the first car of Wuling brand has been released

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On August 15, SAIC GM Wuling officially released its first car, Wuling Xingguang official picture. As a new model, the new car uses Wuling brand-new styling design language, and provides pure electric version and plug-in hybrid version in power, and the new car is expected to be officially released this year.

In terms of appearance, the overall design style of the new car is quite fashionable, with a closed grille on the front face, a Wuling silver mark hanging in the center, and a split headlamp group on both sides, with a high degree of recognition. In addition to the pure electric version, the new car also introduces plug-in hybrid models, and there are some differences in appearance and design. The front face of the plug-in hybrid model cancels the closed grille design and is replaced by the middle net of the air intake hole, while the daylight above is changed from a segmented design to a ring design connected with the middle grid, and the lower encirclement becomes a broken line style. make the new car sharper.

The above picture shows the Wuling Xingguang pure electric version, and the following picture shows the Wuling Xingguang plug-in hybrid model.

On the side of the body, the lines of the new car are smooth, and the waistline design is also very smooth, with the front leaf panel extending to the rear lights, with a slightly downward roof, the overall visual effect is very fashionable. In addition, the new car also provides petal-style rims to enhance the impact. In the rear part, the new car is designed with an irregularly shaped through-type taillight group, with a light strip running directly from the left side of the body to the right side, with silver Wuling Logo in the middle. The overall design is both simple and technological. From the official picture, there is no obvious difference between the pure electric version and the plug-in hybrid version in the rear. In addition, the new car is surrounded by a large area of black, with matte strips on both sides, which increases the visual layering of the rear.



In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4835/1860/1515mm, the wheelbase is 2800mm, and the position is a medium-sized car. As a comparison, the length, width and height of Biadiqin PLUS are 4765/1837/1495mm, the wheelbase is 2718mm, the length, width and height of AION S PLUS is 4810/1880/1515mm, and the wheelbase is 2750mm. By contrast, the length of the new car is 70mm longer than that of Qin PLUS, and the wheelbase is also higher than that of the above two models.


In terms of power, previously declared information shows that the new car will provide pure electricity and plug-in power to choose from. The pure electric model will be equipped with an electric motor with a maximum power of 100 kilowatts, and the battery is the lithium iron phosphate battery provided by Jiangsu Zhengli or Liuzhou Huating; the plug-in hybrid version will be equipped with a plug-in hybrid system composed of 1.5L engine and motor, of which the maximum engine power is 78 kilowatts.

According to the data of the Federation of passengers, from January to July 2023, the cumulative retail sales of domestic narrow passenger cars was 11.299 million, an increase of 1.9 percent over the same period last year, of which 5.297 million SUV models and 5.385 million cars were sold. The two major models are highly competitive areas of domestic passenger cars. According to the official website, at present, the Wuling passenger car family SUV series has two models for sale: Wuling Star and Wuling Xingchi, and this release of Wuling Xingguang is the first car of Wuling brand. The listing of the new car is just to make up for the gap of Wuling brand in this market and further improve Wuling's product matrix. Of course, as the current competition for medium-sized cars in the car market is particularly fierce, whether the new car can be sold well depends on whether the price of the vehicle is suitable or not. considering the people-friendly positioning of the Wuling model, it is expected that the price of the new car will not be too expensive, and the price of the plug-in hybrid model may be controlled within 100000 yuan.

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