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The travel version of ET5 is officially renamed to ET5T.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a public list of vehicle changes and extended products in the 374th batch of "Road Motor vehicle production Enterprises and products announcement". The information related to the expansion of the tail mark of the ET5T model is among them. The model named after the ET5 travel version at the time of listing is now officially renamed ET5T.

Wei Lai said that the model named "ET5 Travel version" at the time of launch has now been renamed "ET5T", and users can choose to install different styles of tail characters when they buy ET5T in the future.


The ET5T was released and launched on June 15, with a total of two models with a price range of 29.8-356000 yuan. According to previous reports, the ET5T is the first station wagon in NIO, based on ET5, and its appearance and interior design are basically the same as those of ET5, but there is more room for the head and many travel-related features and configurations have been added. Wei Lai said that replacing the "travel version" with the ET5T hopes that the car will be aimed at the larger mainstream family car market, rather than just the station wagon segment.

Chinese people really don't like station wagons.

Station wagons are particularly popular in the European market and have a high market position, which has something to do with their way of life and cultural development, but station wagons are always difficult to be recognized in the Chinese market. Looking back at the history of China's automobile development, many station wagons have been introduced into the Chinese market, from the earliest Peugeot 505 SW8, Santana Variant, Haima Wagon, to Sail SRV, Mazda 6 Wagon, Volkswagen, etc., station wagons with the same structure have no advantage in competing with SUV, such as driving experience and space feeling. In other words, Chinese consumers are more willing to buy SUV than station wagons.

The reason why the station wagon does not exist in the domestic market is related to the brand and price. In June 2021, SAIC General Motors Baojun launched a compact SUV called "Valli". Its model names are Mogan Valley, Yili Ranch, Dali Sky and Naqu Fanxing, respectively, with a price of 7.98-105800 yuan. As a station wagon, Baojun Valli is almost the lowest price in the domestic station wagon market, but the 100000 yuan level consumer market is still dominated by cars and SUV, and Baojun brand does not have much sense of existence in the domestic market, so Baojun Valli has no choice but to stop production and sale.

On the whole, most station wagons are relatively expensive. For example, the Audi A4 AVANT (imported) instruction price starts at 359800 yuan, which is 38000 yuan higher than that of the Audi A4. Previously, Mercedes-Benz C-Class Travel and BMW 3-Series Travel also announced their withdrawal from the Chinese market because of poor sales. Even Audi, which still has a line of station wagons, the Avant/Allroad of A4 and A6, together, sold only about 300 vehicles a month.


Figures show that 3662 ET5T vehicles were sold in July, which is already good in the station wagon market. On the one hand, the consumers who buy ET5T are mainly young users, younger users have a higher ability to accept new things, and cross-border cars, hunting cars and station wagons are more easily accepted. Second, the starting price of the ET5T is the same as that of the ET5, but there is more room for the head than the ET5, providing consumers with more car options.

However, ET5T also has more and more competitors, such as Polar Krypton 001, which is positioned as a pure electric hunting coupe with a maximum monthly sales of more than 10,000 cars, which is a good performance in the coupe market. A few days ago, the polar krypton car official announced a price reduction, its extreme krypton 001 dropped by 3.0-37000 yuan, and the latest price of the entry-level WE version is 269000 yuan, which is much cheaper than that of Xilai ET5T. In addition, more and more brands are beginning to enter this market, and the newly listed momentum N7 and the upcoming BYD Song L are all likely to have an impact.

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