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Auto show and ideal fight against Taiwan M7 releases big five-seat version

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Yu Chengdong, the core symbol of Huawei Automobile, announced the pre-sale price of the new AITO M7 at the Chengdu Auto Show on August 26th. The pre-price of the new model starts at 258000 yuan, which is significantly lower than that of the previous model, and the price of the smart car version with lidar is 322000, and the official price will be officially released on the 12th of next month.


The AITO question M7 has added a main push version with six seats to five seats on the original three versions. Mr Yu also stressed on his Weibo that the upgrade cost 500m and that it was spent "where consumers can and cannot see it".


There are not many visible changes in the appearance of the new model, and the appearance, size, wheelbase layout and other aspects of this upgraded model have not changed. In his Weibo comment, netizens did not comment too much on other changes, or some netizens thought that the former face of AITO M7 was too traditional, or this was precisely a question that Yu Chengdong thought should not be cared about.

At a conference on design last year, Yu Chengdong said bluntly that the tastes of people who are not good-looking in M7 are more Low. He said: "when our car M7 was released, some people sprayed that our product car was not good-looking. I would say that his taste is still more Low. I think a great design can only stand the test of time. The more you look at the product, the more you like it. This is a great design." And he also stressed that he is the final decision maker of every design option.

In his view, the 500 million investment is also reflected in the increase in Hongmeng smart cockpit 3.0, Huawei high-end intelligent driving 2.0, car body made of submarine-grade material, and more than 80% high-strength steel and aluminum alloy, which seems to be a follow-up response to a collision report by PICC.


At the end of last year, the China Insurance Research Institute of Automotive Technology released the results of the China Insurance Automobile Safety Index (C-IASI) 2022. In this evaluation, the M7 got the "A" evaluation of the upper invasion of the passenger cabin, the "A" evaluation of the car body structure, and the "A" evaluation in terms of crash compatibility in the driver's 25% offset collision test. however, the comprehensive score of occupant safety in the car is "G".


Yu Chengdong also stressed that the car effective space AITO boundary M7 is the best at the same level, including the ideal L7 Max, BMW X5L and Mercedes-Benz GLE450. Whether these can become the reasons for new car owners to choose depends on the follow-up market performance. AITO asks that the M7 is 30, 000 lower than the old model, which is not only an impact on the old car owners, but also a direct challenge to the bidding models.

In June this year, ideal car creator Li Xiang published a long article about the core competitiveness of the ideal car, which mentioned that the AITO M7 posed a great threat to the ideal model. He frankly admitted that in the face of the release of M7 in the third quarter of 2022, the ideal ONE was unable to resist, and the sales network collapsed and stopped production ahead of schedule, resulting in a loss of more than 1 billion yuan in the third quarter. This kind of strong statement in the face of competitors is rare, and it is enough to see the offensive situation of AITO M7 against direct competition. Huawei's M7 was officially delivered last year, and data show that ideal ONE delivery fell to 4000 vehicles from more than 10, 000 in July. Of course, in addition to the update of M7, its own product update itself is also a major influencing factor.


Cyrus, a car company with deep cooperation with Huawei, released its latest production and sales of KuaiBao on the 1st of this month. In the first July of this year, Cyrus sold 104200 cars, down 29.57% from a year earlier. Of these, sales of new energy vehicles were 51700, down 12.19% from the same period last year, with a total loss of 1.39 billion in the first half of the year. Selis sold 12000 cars in July, down 45.99% from a year earlier, including 6934 new energy vehicles, a figure that includes questions but no breakdown.


Selis was renamed from Xiaokang Co., Ltd. in July last year. Selis Group has six brands, namely Dongfeng Xiaokang, Dongfeng scenery, Ruichi New Energy, Selis Automobile, AITO and Blue Power. To a large extent, Huawei Cyrus will cooperate deeply, not including the M9, which will be listed at the end of the year. At present, there are only M5/M5 EV and M7 models on sale in AITO, of which M5 is the main source of sales.

The price is sinking, the use of 6 seats to 5 large space is the focus of the upgrade of the AITO M7. So what will be the impact of these two points on M7 itself, the future pricing of M5, and ideally? "We can see that we have more effective space than the one on the other side," Yu Chengdong said at the launch of the auto show. The opposite side of the auto show is the booth of the ideal car. I do not know whether the arrangement of this venue is intentional or unintentional. Let's wait and see!

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