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It will be delivered on the market this year! Avita 12 makes his debut

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, Avita's second model, the Avita 12, made its world debut. It is understood that Avita 12 positioning luxury medium and large pure electric sedan, based on Chang 'an, Huawei, Ningde era jointly developed intelligent electric vehicle network car platform (CHN) built, estimated price between 300,000 - 400,000 yuan, will provide rear drive, four-wheel drive version.


In terms of appearance, on the basis of continuing the family design language, Avita 12 has a sense of future science and technology. The headlights adopt split design, and the headlight group is very recognizable. The front face structure outlined by the penetrating LED light source, Avita brand LOGO is further flattened, presenting a more scientific and technological digital design direction. The front grille is still closed, with polygonal air inlets below.


On the side of the car body, the side of Avita 12 adopts relatively round style design, and the tail design adopts hunting version modeling design, which is matched with round design, greatly increasing the identification of the whole vehicle. Unlike the Avita 11, the Avita 12 will offer electronic exterior mirrors for consumers to choose from, further enhancing the sense of technology while also reducing wind resistance.



At the rear of the car, the tail shape of the Avita 12 still has a high degree of recognition, the taillights do not adopt a through-type design, the middle is a further flattened Avita LOGO, and there is an active lifting spoiler on the upper part. In addition, the Avita 12 features a "tailless" design, with streaming mirrors providing rear view, hatchback tailgates, electric lift tails and four-door frameless doors to fully demonstrate its sporty attributes. In terms of size, the length, width and height of Avita 12 are 5020/1999/1460 (1450) mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3020 mm.


In terms of interior decoration, Avita 12 adopts a brand-new design language. In addition to the conventional large size suspended central control screen, the rear of the steering wheel also provides an integrated "hairtail screen" across the main and co-driver, and there are few physical buttons in the car. Matching with the exterior electronic rearview mirror, there is a rear view display screen on each side of the main and co-driver in the car. Avita 12 is equipped with small size upper and lower flat-bottom steering wheel, equipped with gearshift mechanism, commonly used wireless charging storage compartment, cup holder and other functional areas are not absent.



As for power, it is known that Avita 12 will be available in two versions: rear drive and four-wheel drive, with the maximum power of 230kW for rear drive and 195kW and 230kW for front and rear motors respectively. At the same time, Avita 12 will carry a ternary lithium battery pack provided by Ningde Times, but the specific range is unknown.

Avita is a high-end pure electric brand jointly built by Chang 'an Automobile and Ningde Times and Huawei. Its positioning is similar to Beiqi Polar Fox, Dongfeng Lantu, Geely Polar Krypton, SAIC Zhiji, etc. It should be noted that Huawei does not hold shares, but it is deeply tied to Huawei, which is one of Avita's main selling points.

In August 2022, Avita 11 was officially launched, which is the first mass-production model of Avita, positioned as a medium and large pure electric SUV, with a price range of 349,900 - 409,900 yuan. The biggest selling point of this car is that Huawei HI (Huawei Inside) full-stack intelligent car solution is standard in the whole series, equipped with Huawei Drive ONE two-in-one electric drive unit and integrated HarmonyOS vehicle operating system, Huawei AOS intelligent driving operating system and Huawei VOS intelligent vehicle control operating system. It can be said that the Avita 11 is the model with the highest "Chinese content".


However, Avita 11 did not achieve the market performance it deserved. Retail data show that the cumulative sales volume of Avita 11 in July before 2023 was 14716, of which 1200 were sold in July. According to the latest figures, Avita 11 sold 1975 vehicles in August. Overall, monthly sales of 1500 vehicles are the most normal performance of the Avita 11.

Facts have proved that it is difficult to drive the market even with Huawei's support under the background that the channel has not been fully established. Different from AITO, Avita has independent sales channels and is not sold in Huawei terminal stores. Similar brands are Beiqi Polar Fox, and the sales volume of Polar Fox Alpha S is even more dismal, with only 6589 sold in the first July.


In the planning of Chang 'an Automobile, Avita is the strategic support of Chang' an New Energy, competing with new head forces and luxury brands, but it is not easy to achieve this goal. In contrast, head new energy vehicle enterprises have achieved monthly sales of more than ten thousand, pressure is in front of us.

At the 2023 Chang 'an Automobile Global Partner Conference, Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Chang' an Automobile, announced that Avita Automobile will launch 4 products by 2025, with sales exceeding 300,000 - 400,000 vehicles. Among them, the target is 100,000 vehicles in 2023, but according to the current market performance, the pressure on Avita is huge.

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