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The appearance has changed! The official picture of Geely Star Rui L is released.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

On September 28, Geely Automobile released the official picture of the new car, and the hybrid version of Xingrui will be named "Xingrui L Double Qing". At present, Geely Xingrui models on sale provide 1.5TD and 2.0TD engines, and the official guidance price range is 108,700 - 145,700 yuan. The launch of Xingrui L double-lift will further enrich Xingrui's optional power system.


In terms of appearance, compared with the models currently on sale, the model change of Xingrui L double-lift is not very big, mainly adjusted for details. The front face continues to adopt the air intake grille decorated with vertical chrome trim strips, but the number of trim strips is reduced. At the same time, the new silver-gray logo is adopted, and the trim strips on both sides of the lower enclosure are visually more radical. The side lines of the car body are basically the same as those of the models on sale, while the rear part uses a brand-new style of through-type LED lamp group, and the double-sided double-outlet exhaust styling also changes. The "Thor" hybrid logo under the tailgate emphasizes its hybrid identity. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4825/1880/1469mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2800mm, which is basically consistent with the models currently on sale.




In terms of interior decoration, the layout of Xingrui L double-lift interior will also be adjusted, adopting the brand-new design style of "white + purple contrast color". The whole interior is mainly white, supplemented by purple line elements shuttling through the center console, steering wheel and seats and other details. Vertical central touch display screen, gearshift mechanism, rectangular LCD instrument, etc. are used to enhance the sense of future science and technology in the car.


In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T four-cylinder engine model BHE15-BFZ produced by Aurora Bay Technology Co., Ltd. with a maximum engine power of 120 kW.

Geely Xingrui is Geely Automobile's first car built based on CMA architecture, its wheelbase reaches the level of mid-size car, plus equipped with Volvo's same 2.0T engine, Xingrui's market competitiveness is obviously improved, while the 1.5T version lowers the threshold for consumers to buy Xingrui, competing with joint venture compact cars, such as Xuanyi, Corolla, Lavida, Onksela, etc.


According to retail data, Geely Xingrui accumulated sales volume of 69451 vehicles from January to August 2023, ranking 45th in the car market and 15th in the compact car market, far less than Qin PLUS DM-i, AION S, Yidong, Dihao and other independent models, as well as joint venture models such as Xuanyi, Lavida, Corolla and Bora. "Auto Industry Concern" predicts that the price of Xingrui L will be between 1.5T and 2.0T versions, and will be sold on the same stage as the current Xingrui in the future, further consolidating Geely's advantages in the fuel vehicle market.

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