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Involving a number of classic models! Two car companies start the recall.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 13, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration issued the latest announcement. Beijing Hyundai Automobile Co., Ltd. filed the recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on the Administration of defective Automobile products recall and the measures for the implementation of defective Automobile products recall regulations. Since October 15, 2023, a total of 10722 fourth-generation Shengda, Kusto, tenth-generation Sonata and fifth-generation Tusheng L cars produced during the period from November 14, 2022 to July 24, 2023 will be recalled.


The reason for the recall is that the circuit board of the gearbox electric oil pump controller of the idle start and stop system (ISG) is damaged in the manufacturing process, thermal damage may occur inside the controller, the risk of vehicle fire increases, and there are hidden dangers. In view of the above defects, Beijing Hyundai Automobile Co., Ltd. will replace the gearbox electric pump controller for vehicles within the recall range free of charge, in order to eliminate safety risks.

According to the official website, the models currently on sale in Beijing Hyundai include Tusheng L, Elantra, Yuezong, Beijing Hyundai ix35, Shengda, Beijing Hyundai ix25, Yuehua and Sonata. Retail data show that Beijing Hyundai sold a total of 175095 vehicles from January to September in 2023, of which the highest selling model was the Elantra, with 76889 vehicles, followed by Tusheng L and ix35, with cumulative sales of 36059 and 24338, respectively. Kustu, Shengda and Sonata sold 9291, 7447 and 2414 vehicles respectively.


Judging from the models recalled this time, Tusheng L is one of the volume models under Beijing Hyundai. Data show that Tusheng L sold 37915 vehicles in 2022, accounting for 15.45 per cent of Beijing Hyundai's total sales of 245405 vehicles, compared with 36059 in the first September of this year, accounting for 20.59 per cent of Beijing Hyundai's total sales of 175095 vehicles.

Tusheng was first made in June 2005, but after a few years of sale, the replacement model did not adopt the Tusheng name, but was replaced by Hyundai ix35. In April 2021, the fifth generation Tusheng L launched four models with a price range of 16.18 yuan to 201800 yuan, while in November 2022, the new Tusheng L launched a total of seven models with a price range of 16.18 yuan to 207800 yuan.


In December 2012, Beijing Hyundai introduced the third-generation Santa Fe and named it "Xinshengda" with a price range of 21.98-309800 yuan. The recalled Shengda, a fourth-generation model, went on sale in April 2019, with a price range of 20.28-272800 yuan, equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine and an 8-speed manual gearbox, which is mainly marked with Honda Crown Road and Toyota Henlanda. It is understood that the new generation of Shengda has been officially unveiled and the car will be put on the domestic market in 2024.


The Sonata is a medium-sized car owned by Hyundai, which competes with Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Nissan Teana, Volkswagen Passat and other models, but sales in the domestic market are very poor, selling only 2414 units this year. Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. was established in October 2002. the following month, the fifth-generation Sonata went on sale as the first model of Beijing Hyundai, with a price of 17.9-265000 yuan. In April 2011, Beijing Hyundai launched the eighth-generation Sonata with a price range of 16.69-249900 yuan. By July 2020, the 10th generation Sonata will also be officially on the market, with a price range of 16.18-205800 yuan. As a replacement model, the overall shape of the new car is younger, offering a power combination of 1.5T engine + 7DCT double clutch transmission and 2.0T engine + 8AT gearbox. However, sales of the tenth generation Sonata are not optimistic, with cumulative sales of 9667 vehicles in 2021.


As for the Cousteau, the first MPV model owned by Beijing Hyundai, it was unveiled at the 24th Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition in August 2021 as a medium-to-large MPV with a current price of 16.98-218800 yuan. According to the data, Kustu sold 14497 vehicles in 2022, accounting for 5.91% of Beijing Hyundai's total sales of 245405 vehicles.


In addition to Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yueda Kia Automobile Co., Ltd. also announced a recall on the same day.

Jiangsu Yueda Kia Automobile Co., Ltd. filed the recall plan with the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on the recall of defective Automobile products and the measures for the implementation of the regulations on the recall of defective Automobile products. It is decided that from October 16, 2023, some of the Lion Platinum extension and the fourth generation Jiahua cars produced from November 3, 2022 to July 27, 2023 will be recalled, totaling 2254.


The reason for the recall is that the circuit board of the gearbox electric oil pump controller of the idle start and stop system (ISG) is damaged in the manufacturing process, thermal damage may occur inside the controller, the risk of vehicle fire increases, and there are hidden dangers. In view of the above defects, Jiangsu Yueda Kia Automobile Co., Ltd. will replace the electric pump controller for vehicles within the recall range free of charge, in order to eliminate safety risks.

Kia Jiahua went public in September 2021 with a price range of 28.89 yuan to 339900 yuan. As the first global model after the rebranding of Kia, Jiahua attracted much market attention before it went on sale, and the price triggered a heated discussion in the industry. However, the performance of the terminal market is not good. Yajiahua has sold 2765 vehicles since 2022, compared with only 1402 from January to September this year.


Lion Platinum extension is a direct transliteration from Sportage. It is the fifth generation model of Kia Sportage, and it is also the only Kia model with four-character naming at present, while the second, third and fourth generations have been introduced into domestic production and sales by Dongfeng Yueda Kia, named Lion run, Zhi run and KX5 respectively. In November 2022, Lion Platinum went on sale. The car is positioned as a compact SUV and can be regarded as a replacement of Kia KX5. It offers three power options: 1.5T+8AT, 2.0T+8AT and 2.0L HEV+6AT. The price range is 17.98-237800 yuan. Data show that from January to September this year, Lion Platinum expanded its cumulative sales of 6964 vehicles.

In the domestic market, the sense of existence of Korean brands is far less than that of German and Japanese brands, and with the rise of independent brands and the decline of the prices of mainstream joint venture brands, brands such as Kia and Hyundai are facing a survival crisis, and their market share falls again and again. According to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the market share of Korean cars in China from 2016 to 2021 is 7.35%, 4.63%, 4.98%, 4.7%, 3.8% and 2.4%, respectively.

"Automotive Industry concern" believes that the reason why Korean car companies' market share is divided is that they fail to keep up with the changes in market rhythm, innovate in strategies and models, and the process of localization is slow. At the same time, Korean cars are relatively passive in the field of electric vehicles.

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