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Production and sales of 20,000 vehicles! Yobao A3 is finally in mass production.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Baoneng, which has been silent for a long time, has made a new move. On October 18, Baoneng officially announced that the A3 was put into production and was unveiled at the Baoneng Guangzhou International Sports Performing Arts Center. Yao Zhenhua, chairman of Baoneng Automobile, hosted an internal on-site meeting at Baoneng Guangzhou International Sports Performing Arts Center on the evening of October 15 to speed up the pre-sale of the A3, Baoneng officials said.


According to reports, the first product A3 on display is the A00 class two-door four-seat pure electric model, with the main selling model priced at 40, 000-50, 000 yuan each. After listing, it will compete with similar models such as Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, Geely Panda, Changan Lumin, Chery QQ Ice Cream and so on. According to the 2023 A3 SOP production plan, Baoneng Xi'an plant plans to achieve the production and marketing target of 20, 000 units by the end of the year, and will gradually put into production in Changshu and Shenzhen to achieve full capacity.

The au Polo brand is one of the three major passenger car brands of Baoneng Automobile Group, while the other two brands are BAO and Qoros. Among them, the AIO brand focuses on small electric vehicles, focusing on the A00-A0-class new energy pure electric vehicle market. The first model is the A3, which was first unveiled in September 2022. In December, Baoneng revealed that the A3, which has received 10,000 orders, will be fully mass produced at Baoneng's Xi'an plant and is scheduled to be delivered to the market in the first quarter of 2023. But in the end, not only did the A3 fail to deliver on time, but the overall business came to a standstill.


At the end of last month, media reported that Baoneng paid tens of millions of dollars to suppliers to build cars and planned to produce 20,000 new cars by the end of the year. But according to the report, Zhang Ming (a pseudonym), a former Baoneng executive who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: "I'm afraid Baoneng is' performing 'building a car!" The essence seems to be to encircle the land with money. " For this "show", since the Spring Festival this year, Baoneng has paid tens of millions of yuan to travel suppliers for preparatory work on auto parts, and recently paid at least 30 million yuan.

Prior to this, Baoneng Automobile also started recruitment work, inquiry of a recruitment platform can be seen, Baoneng Automobile in Xi'an, Shenzhen region has a number of recruitment information, recruitment positions include strategic planning manager, big data development engineer and so on. As to why Baoneng suddenly "recruits", a Baoneng HR said that the recruitment is to promote the mass production of the A3. To this end, Baoneng spends tens of millions of yuan to prepare for production to upstream suppliers.

At the beginning of the year, Lu Xingze, chief executive of Baoneng, said at the New year's construction meeting of Baoneng that this year was a key year for Baoneng, fully ensuring the mass production of three key models, A3, GX16, and A6. At that time, Yao Zhenhua said that the whole vehicle project should speed up the release of production capacity, and the A3 A3 model was the top priority of the business plan. But in the months that followed, there was hardly any mass production of the A3 on the market.


Judging from the latest news released by Baoneng Automobile, the A3 has started mass production at Baoneng Xi'an base. It should be noted that Baoneng Motor has been caught in rumors of unpaid wages and layoffs many times this year, and the Xi'an factory was cancelled in June this year. According to the official website of the Shaanxi Provincial Public Resources Trading Center, a sale of the right to the use of state-owned construction land in Xixian New District was awarded to Shaanxi Oster New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., with a transaction price of about 608 million yuan. According to public information, the actual controller of Shaanxi Oster New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is the Development and Construction Management Committee of Xixian New District of Shaanxi Province.

A person familiar with the matter once told the relevant media: "during the listing of this land, Yao Zhenhua, chairman of Baoneng Group, went to Xi'an for talks many times." According to the latest news we have learned, after the new bidder gets the land, it will not be transferred to the next owner in the short term, but may carry out car production for Baoneng Automobile. The reason behind this operation is probably that Baoneng does not want to lose its production qualification. If Baoneng can successfully take 20,000 cars off the line by the end of this year, it is possible to obtain the right to use the factory by leasing or other means. "

In fact, whether Baoneng starts building cars or not, today's Baoneng cars are almost in a state of chicken feathers. As for in such an awkward situation, can the A3 be produced smoothly this time? Can it be bought by consumers after mass production? These questions still need to be answered by Baoneng and more time.

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