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Trample on the luxury car and cause 170000 damage! The Lamborghini owner has filed a lawsuit.

2024-10-23 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, the topic that the owner of Lamborghini said he was not reconciled sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.


According to a number of media reports, the approximate process of the incident was that the person involved, Mr. Wang, checked into a five-star hotel on Donghai West Road, Shinan District, Qingdao, on September 21, and parked his Lamborghini sports car in an underground garage. three days later, a friend told him that a netizen posted a video of the Lamborghini pedal on the Internet to show off. Mr. Wang later checked the vehicle and found that there was a suspected dent in the hood. To make matters worse, through the transfer surveillance, Mr. Wang found that one of the teenagers spit on his car before leaving. It is understood that this Lamborghini was bought by Mr. Wang last year and cost 2.98 million.


In the end, Mr. Wang chose to report to the police, and the police contacted the family of the teenager after investigation, but the other party was unwilling to negotiate a settlement. It is understood that the teenager who stepped on his car is only 15 years old this year, and the teenager also spoke provocatively in his video comment area. On September 25th, Mr. Wang said by video that the police had filed a case and the maintenance quotation of the 4S store showed that the painting alone was 18000 yuan, and the maintenance cost of the hood was 177000 yuan, with a total maintenance cost of nearly 180000 yuan.

When he learned that Mr. Wang had put the case on file, the parties began to panic, and their attitude changed greatly, and they began to compromise with Mr. Wang, but Mr. Wang was determined to teach the teenager a lesson. On October 21, Mr. Wang described the current progress in handling the incident on the social platform. He said that it has been a month since his car was stepped on, and he has been dealing with the matter in the last month, and he got the official valuation report yesterday, which has legal effect. Mr. Wang did not disclose the exact amount of the estimate, but said it was enough for an adult to step on a sewing machine directly, but since he was a minor, there was nothing he could do about it. Mr. Wang said that he will not settle, nor will he consider other solutions, but will certainly pursue the matter to the end. The guardian must compensate for this loss. The court will probably start the trial at the end of this year. Whether or not he will come (the trial) will have to compensate for this money. It depends on how the court decides.


In response to the incident, netizens commented that they were on Mr. Wang's side: "he is still a child, but don't let him go" and "such young people should not be used to supporting you in safeguarding your rights. It is not wrong to have money. Everyone's money is earned by their own efforts, and as long as they are willing, they can get justice back! " , "well done, young people do not know the nature of heaven and earth, then let the society teach him how to be a man", "people should be responsible for their own actions, and so are minors."



There is nothing wrong with protecting minors, but if you do something wrong, you have to be punished. instead of reflecting on his own problems afterwards, the teenager threatened under the social media account of the client, Mr. Wang, which is really hateful. Mr. Wang said, "the other party is very arrogant because he is a minor, bouncing around in my comment area." My attitude will never change, and I do not support reconciliation. I will pursue this matter to the end. I will admit it no matter how much money I spend, but I will never let go of this. "

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