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Large MPV in pure electricity! Xiaopeng X9 official picture released

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On October 23, Xiaopeng officially released the first official picture of Xiaopeng X9 model. As the first MPV under Xiaopeng, the new car positioning medium and large MPV, using pure electric power system. Prior to this, he Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile, said that he would use Xiaopeng X9 to open the "young" MPV market, while from the positioning of "young" MPV, Xiaopeng X9 is positioned or different from Tengli D9, polar krypton 009 and other products.


Combined with the previous declaration map and the latest official map released this time, the appearance of the new car is still family-oriented, but the overall shape is younger. Specifically, the front face of the new car uses a closed grille, with split lamp groups on both sides, and the upper daytime driving lights are pierced design, which lengthens the visual width of the front face. At the bottom, an inverted trapezoidal grille is used, the interior is decorated with a hexagonal gradient design, and the lidar is located on both sides.

The side of the body is different from the traditional MPV model on the market, the overall shape of the new car is angular, and the roof line begins to tilt downward from the D-pillar position, so that the vehicle forms an oblique visual effect in the rear window. In addition, the new car also uses a hidden door handle design, with side sliding doors on both sides of the back row, and 19-inch or 20-inch rims to further reflect the sense of movement of the vehicle. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5293/1988/1785mm and the wheelbase is 3160mm.

The rear part is one of the bright spots of the whole car. The new car does not adopt the ordinary MPV design style, but uses a slightly downward sloping back style, with the through taillight design that echoes with the front face, the visual effect is very dynamic. In addition, the new car license plate area uses inverted trapezoid embedded shape, surrounded by bright black, the overall visual hierarchy is very rich.

In the interior part, the espionage photo information previously exposed shows that the new car adopts the latest family design style, equipped with suspended liquid crystal instruments and central control screen, the shape of the double-spoke steering wheel is consistent with the Xiaopeng G6, and the design of the sub-instrument is similar to that of the Xiaopeng G9. In terms of seat layout, the second row of the new car is equipped with two separate seats with fixed handrails, the middle area of the cushion and backrest is covered with perforated leather, and the electric adjustment button is located on the inner handrail to support ventilation and heating functions. The seat also has an electric leg support. In addition, the car will also provide folding table, manual sunshade and other configurations.


In terms of power, previously declared information shows that the new car will be equipped with two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. Among them, the maximum power of the drive motor carried by the two-wheel drive model is 235 kilowatts; the maximum power of the motor before and after the four-wheel drive model is 235 kilowatts and 135 kilowatts respectively. In terms of battery life, there are three versions: the standard version has a capacity of 84.5kWh battery pack and the CLTC has a mileage of 610km; the long-lasting version and the four-wheel drive version have a capacity of 101.5 kWh, and the CLTC mileage is 702km and 640km (all-wheel drive), respectively.

According to the official website, Xiaopeng currently sells five models, including Xiaopeng P7, P5, G3i, G9 and P7i. On the 19th of last month, the 2024 Xiaopeng G9 officially went on sale, and the order for the car broke through 8000 within 72 hours on the market, which led to a rapid rise in store traffic. Xiaopeng Automobile said: "at present, Xiaopeng G6 production capacity has been significantly increased, and the next delivery process will be further accelerated." As Xiaopeng sets its sights on the MPV market, it may further boost its sales.


Although the current MPV market volume is relatively small, but including Buick, Lantu Automobile, Tengli Automobile, FAW Toyota, Red Flag and Wei Brand and other car companies have started this market, it is expected that the follow-up domestic MPV car market pattern will have obvious reshuffle action. It should be noted that Xiaopeng Automobile is not the only domestic car-making new power that has set its sights on MPV. In addition to Xiaopeng Automobile, ideal Automobile has also released its first MPV pure electric model-ideal MEGA official chart. The new car will be released this year and delivered in 2024, when the competition in this market will be more fierce.

According to the latest retail data of the Federation of passengers, from January to September 2023, the cumulative sales of domestic MPV reached 814000 vehicles, an increase of 18.2% over the same period last year.

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