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249900 RMB-339900 RMB! Ji Yue 01 is listed.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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The car robot Ji Yue 01 was officially put on the market on October 27th, with a price of 24.99-339900 yuan. It is understood that Ji Yue Automobile is a new brand jointly launched by Geely and Baidu, while Ji Yue 01 is the first model of the brand, based on the same SEA Haohan structure as Pole Krypton 001, positioning large-scale SUV in pure electricity, providing single-motor and dual-motor models on power, with a maximum range of 720km.


In terms of appearance, the recognition of Ji Yue 01 is extremely high, and its front face adopts closed intake grille and U-shaped LED daily running through light belt design, which connects the T-shaped headlights on both sides to create a more complete visual effect. The intelligent interactive lighting system of Ji Yue 01 is composed of headlight group, wheel eyebrow lamp and AI indicator. There will be different interaction designs in different scenes such as autopilot and voice interaction, and users can also program freely. The lower enclosure is designed with a black guard plate with trapezoidal distribution, and the interior is a heat sink.



On the side of the car body, the side lines of Ji Yue 01 adopt the common large undulation design of the supercar, which makes the visual effect of the vehicle more motion. The new car does not use a physical door handle, the body B-column and C-column are equipped with button unlock, the charging port is located above the left rear wing of the car body, with electric opening and closing function. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4853/1990/1611mm, wheelbase is 3000mm, positioning pure electricity medium and large SUV.


In the rear part of the car, the Ji Yue 01 "one eyebrow" penetrating taillight echoes with the front face, and the taillight is equipped with a segmented spoiler and an automatic lifting tail wing, which can be adaptively adjusted by AI according to different driving conditions. In automatic mode, when the speed reaches above 95km/h, the vehicle will automatically raise the tail to reduce the wind resistance; when the speed drops below 65km/h, the tail will be automatically retracted.


In terms of interior decoration, the interior of the new car is decorated with three colors: Yuhuan black, Yuxuo white and Yuyu purple, which is equipped with a 35.6-inch 6K ultra-clear integrated central control screen, which can be displayed full-screen or divided into double screens and three screens independently, and can be freely combined and slipped in the zone. With U-shaped half-amplitude steering wheel, and basically cancel the left and right lever, central control entity keys and other settings, so that you can see at a glance the difference between this car and the traditional car. At the same time, the new car removes the shift lever and left and right lever, and uses a U-shaped steering wheel, all the keys are gathered on the steering wheel, and the whole steering wheel looks more like a large game console.



In terms of power, Ji Yue 01 is divided into two versions, of which Ji Yue 01 single motor version maximum power 200kW, peak torque 343 N m; Ji Yue 01 dual motor version maximum power 400kW, peak torque 686 N m. In terms of battery life, the mileage of Ji Yue 01 (single motor + 71.4kWh lithium iron phosphate battery) CLTC is 550km, that of Ji Yue01 (single motor + 100kWhternary lithium battery) is 720km under full charge CLTC, and that of Ji Yue01 (dual motor + 100kWhternary lithium battery) is 660km under full charge CLTC.

From the leader of the car brand to the enabler. The predecessor of Jiyue Automobile is Jidu Automobile. Baidu and Geely announced a joint venture in January 2021 and set up Jidu Automobile Co., Ltd. in March of that year. In December 2022, the first production car set ROBO-01 was unveiled, which is based on Geely SEA vast architecture and is positioned as a medium and large SUV.


At the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, it was revealed that Jidu Automobile had been rejected by the organizers because it did not have the qualification to build cars. At this point, Geely and Baidu co-build the wind direction has also become very confused. Until August 14, Geely controller announced the establishment of its new car robot brand "Jiyue", and the first model was named "Jiyue 01".

To put it simply, the original Jidu Automobile is a joint venture brand between Baidu and Geely, in which Baidu is the leader, but because Jidu Automobile lacks production qualification and does not have the ability to produce and sell, Jidu Automobile is finally shelved and becomes Jiyue Automobile. Baidu commissioned Geely Holdings to produce vehicles for it, that is, OEM production, but at this time Baidu became the enabler. Provide services for Ji Yue Automobile in terms of AI technical capabilities such as intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and Wen Xin Yiyan.

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