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Battery fire risk! Toyota recalls 1.85 million RAV4 vehicles

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Toyota announced on Nov. 1 that it would recall about 1.854 million RAV4 sport utility vehicles in the United States because of a fire caused by improper installation of replacement batteries.


According to reports, the recall covers Toyota RAV4 models from 2013 to 2018. The top size of the 12-volt battery used to replace the vehicle is smaller than that of other batteries, and if the clamp is not properly tightened, the battery may move when the vehicle turns violently, which may lead to a short circuit and increase the risk of fire, Toyota said in a statement.


Toyota is currently preparing remedial measures, and after the relevant measures are introduced, Toyota dealers will replace the improved battery top assembly and clamp for car owners free of charge, and notify the owners concerned to recall before the end of this year. As of press time, media reports said Toyota declined to say whether the problems caused fires, car accidents or injuries.

Toyota RAV4 is a miniature off-road vehicle owned by Toyota, whose name comes from "Recreational Active Vehiclewith 4-wheel drive." The abbreviation means "four-wheel drive leisure sports vehicle".

Toyota RAV4 was first launched in Japan in 1994 and sold to the United States in January 1996. on August 26th, Toyota's new RAV4 was listed in China. The car launched seven models with a price range of 183800-273800 yuan, with 2.0L and 2.5L engines on its power. On April 27, 2023, FAW Toyota's new RAV4 was released on the market with an official guiding price of 176800-296800 yuan.


FAW Toyota RAV4 sales totaled 165278 vehicles in 2022, accounting for 20.02% of FAW Toyota's total sales (825517 vehicles), and 122257 from January to September this year, accounting for 20.90% of FAW Toyota's total sales (584847 vehicles), according to FIFA retail data. In other words, RAV4 Rongfang is one of the most important volume models of FAW Toyota.

Toyota RAV4 recalls a large number of vehicles, involving 1.854 million vehicles, but this recall is only for the United States market, not the domestic market.

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