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The latest sales of Great Wall Automobile, Wei Pai became the only declining brand.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On November 7, Great Wall Motor released October Production and Sales Express. Data show that the wholesale sales volume of Great Wall Motors in October was 131308 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 31.04%; the cumulative wholesale sales volume from January to October was 995353 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 10.29%. According to the annual sales target of 1.6 million vehicles, it means that the annual sales target completion rate of Great Wall Motor in the first 10 months of this year is 62.21%. In other words, it is unlikely that Great Wall Motor will achieve the annual sales target of 37.79% in the remaining two months.


Subdivided into major brands, Great Wall Motor in October only Wei brand appeared a year-on-year decline trend, the rest of the brands have achieved different degrees of growth.

The sales volume of Haval brand in October was 78698 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 23.43%; the cumulative sales volume in the first 10 months was 574598 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 10.86%, accounting for 57.73% of the total sales volume. Among them, the sales volume of Haval New Energy was 9212 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 204% and a month-on-month growth of 83%. The sales volume of Haval brand's first new energy off-road SUV in the first month was 5084 vehicles. It is understood that Haval Raptor was launched on October 10, and the new car launched a total of 3 models, with a price range of 1658 - 183,800 yuan.


After entering 2023, Haval brand has launched a number of new energy vehicles such as Haval Second Generation Big Dog, Haval Fierce Dragon/Fierce Dragon MAX for six consecutive years, and these models have also boosted the sales volume of Haval brand to a certain extent. Take the retail sales volume in September as an example, the top five models of Haval brand sales volume are Haval H6, Haval Big Dog, Haval M6, Haval Dragon MAX and Haval H5 respectively, with sales volume of 23423 vehicles, 14473 vehicles, 4248 vehicles, 3557 vehicles and 3557 vehicles respectively. Of course, according to the current sales situation of Haval brand, Haval brand still needs to further enrich product sequence, improve brand recognition and accelerate strategic transformation if it wants to make achievements in new energy automobile market.


The sales volume of Euler brand in October was 10826 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 94.29%, which is the brand with the highest growth rate under Great Wall Motor. However, the analysis extended to the first 10 months is still in a year-on-year decline, the cumulative sales volume in the first 10 months for 88467 vehicles, a year-on-year decline of 2.02%.

On October 31, Euler Lightning Cat Night Edition optional package came on the market, each model optional price is different, the price range is 1500-2500 yuan. In addition, Euler official also launched a time-limited discount of 30000 yuan, the price range of the three lightning cat models after discount is 176,300 - 241,300 yuan, the preferential strength may drive the growth of Euler brand sales.

Tank brands also had a good growth trend in October, with sales of 22105 vehicles in October, up 73.33% year-on-year; cumulative sales of 126650 vehicles during the year, up 24.24% year-on-year. At present, tank brands include tank 300, tank 400 and tank 500, among which tank 300 is the main sales model, while tank 400 Hi4-T is the latest model on the market. It was launched on September 25. Two models were launched in total, with the price range of 2798 - 289,800 yuan. According to the plan, the tank 700 Hi4-T will be released at the Guangzhou Auto Show, a new car or a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 3.0T turbocharged engine and an electric motor.

In contrast, Wei brand market performance is very general, October sales of 2256 vehicles, a year-on-year decline of 7.05, is the only Great Wall Motor five brands year-on-year decline in the brand. At present, the sales volume of Wei brand mainly depends on Wei brand Blue Mountain. As a big six-seat Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV priced at about 300,000 yuan, the car successfully reversed the decline of sales volume of Wei brand shortly after its launch. According to the association data, the sales volume of Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV from May to August was 5136, 5506, 5566 and 5023 respectively. However, compared with the previous months of the surge, From September, Wei brand sales began to decline, The main reason is Blue Mountain sales began to decline, Take September as an example, Blue Mountain sales only 2026 vehicles, And from October Wei brand sales performance to see, Although the official did not announce Blue Mountain sales, But it is not difficult to find, Blue Mountain sales or only more than 2000 vehicles.


In addition to the above brands, Great Wall Motors is also accelerating overseas marketing. According to the data, the overseas sales volume of Great Wall Motors in October was 35350 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 67.92%, a record high; the cumulative overseas sales volume from January to October was 247046 vehicles, with a year-on-year growth of 86.03%.

From the previous October sales performance, Great Wall Motors 'goal of achieving 1.6 million sales is still a bit "aggressive." At present, Great Wall Motor's share in the fuel car market is shrinking, and new energy products have not yet been fully able to pick up the crossbeam products, obviously Great Wall Motor urgently needs to launch more products that can be recognized by consumers, which also means that Great Wall Motor, which flourished in the fuel car era, needs to make more changes.


In mid-October, Chen Siying, former CEO of Wei Brand and Tank, posted on his personal social platform saying goodbye to Great Wall Motors for family reasons. On November 1, Great Wall Motor issued personnel appointment. Liu Yanzhao concurrently served as general manager of Wei brand and tank brand, mainly responsible for overall management of Wei brand and tank brand; Zhao Yongpo will serve as general manager of Haval brand, mainly responsible for overall management of Haval brand; Gu Yukun, commodity director of original tank 500, will serve as executive deputy general manager of tank brand. As for what kind of innovation Great Wall Motor will have after a series of personnel adjustments, it is not yet known.

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