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General Manager of Wei Brand: never use extended range

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, Wei Brand New Energy brought the extended version of Alpine Administration. Wei Brand General Manager and TANK Brand General Manager Liu Yanzhao reiterated at the scene: "adhere to the world's leading hybrid structure, Wei Brand will never use extended range, which is equal to about 1/3 hybrid."


On the evening of November 8, ideal car CEO Li Xiang posted on Weibo, "China's own brands are still adhering to the technical route of multi-grade PHEV (plug-in hybrid vehicles), which will be converted to an added program in the next year or two." This judgment can be tested in 2025. " At the same time, Li wanted to retweet Weibo and said, "I think both the Great Wall system and Geely system will turn to the add-on route." Chairman Li Shufu has always been a proponent of the extended ride, and British taxis are the best practice. Chairman Wei Jianjun will certainly agree with the extended range as long as he sees with his own eyes the actual proportion of pure electricity used by Lanshan battery hybrid users. "


Both Geely and the Great Wall responded to Li Xiang's prediction. Liu Yanzhao, CEO of Great Wall Wei brand, said that from a technical point of view, the extended range series system is only one of the three major modes of hybrid DHT, and it is obvious that direct drive is more efficient than the conversion efficiency of internal combustion engine power generation and redrive. In terms of the user scenario, our users use the direct drive mode of the engine efficient range for 34.7% of the mileage during travel and driving. The efficiency of the multi-block hybrid scheme has absolute advantages, which is not only a matter of use cost, but also the pursuit of the best efficiency of full scene coverage.

It is understood that Wei brand Gaoshan DHT-PHEV officially listed on October 18, the price range is 33.58-405800 yuan. It is understood that Wei brand Gaoshan is the first MPV model under Wei brand, which is based on the exclusive platform of Wei brand new energy high-end MPV, equipped with a 1.5T engine and motor plug-in system, and uses a 2seat, 2plus three-seat layout. Wei brand alpine administrative extended version is known as the world's largest MPV, length, width and height are 5405/1960/1890mm, wheelbase 3275mm, car in length, width and wheelbase compared with the standard wheelbase version further increased.


In terms of power, Gaoshan DHT-PHEV will be equipped with a 1.5T engine and motor plug-in system, the maximum engine power is 115kW, with 135kW high-power rear axle motor, the comprehensive power is as high as 358kW, and the maximum torque is as high as 762N ·m. The whole vehicle is equipped with 37.96kWh large-capacity power battery, and the pure electric life under WLTC conditions can reach 140km. 30% Murray 80% fast charging takes 26 minutes, and supports a maximum external discharge function of 3.3kW.

In addition, Liu Yanzhao also said at the scene: "there is no high-speed rail model, but there is a first-class version of the enjoyment of high-speed rail."


The high-speed rail by Liu Yanzhao refers to the first MPV--MEGA of the ideal car because it looks like the front of a high-speed train. At the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, the ideal MEGA officially made its debut and opened the blind booking with a deposit of 5000 yuan. According to the official announcement, the ideal MEGA is booked for more than 10, 000 vehicles in an hour and 42 minutes. It is understood that the ideal MEGA Max is expected to sell for less than 600000 yuan (it is speculated that the Max is the top model, and the ideal model is generally divided into Air, Pro and Max versions). The official price will be announced in December 2023.


Combined with the previous declaration information, the ideal MEGA adopts the seat layout of three rows and seven seats, and adopts the traditional MPV layout of 2-2-3. Due to the long length of the coach, considerable space is reserved for the rear compartment. Under normal circumstances, the longitudinal length of the trunk is 680mm. The third row of seats is more interesting, not only can be folded forward to expand the space, but also can be completely turned up forward to form a more exaggerated storage space. After three rows of seats are folded and flipped, the length of the luggage compartment reaches 1066mm.

In terms of power, the new car will be built on the 800V platform with a peak motor power of 400kW, a peak torque of 542Nm and a 0-100km/h acceleration of only 5.5s. The ideal MEGA is equipped with Ningde era 5C Kirin battery with an energy density of 170Wh/kg and a 12-minute recharge 500km. At the same time, under the efforts of greatly optimizing the wind resistance coefficient, the network-end energy consumption of the ideal MEGA is 15.9kWh/100km.

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