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BYD Sea Lion 07 EV global debut!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the 2023 Guangzhou Motor Show, which opened on November 17th, BYD's new model, Hai Lion 07 EV, made its global debut. The new car is BYD's first medium-sized pure electric SUV, based on BYD e platform 3.0, using battery body integrated CTB (Cell to Body) technology, pure electric drive, and BYD's latest generation of smart driving technology, with an estimated price range of 200000-260000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the new car is built with the family-style marine aesthetic design concept of Ocean net, and the front face basically continues the design style of the previous Ocean X concept car. The new car uses the iconic "C" day light with the sharp shape of the headlamp group, coupled with the exaggerated three-stage air intake design, the overall dynamic. In addition, the bulging lines of the new car engine also enhance the muscular sense of the vehicle.

On the side of the body, the shape of the new car is more stretched, and the graceful and smooth curve of the roof extends to the rear to form a slip-back design, showing a good visual effect, while the rising shoulder line and simple double waist line design also enhance the movement flavor of the vehicle. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4830/1925/1620mm and wheelbase 2930mm respectively. In the rear part, the overall shape of the new car basically echoes with the front, using through-type taillight design, and equipped with a new style of luminous LOGO. In addition, the new car has a spoiler at the top of the rear and a diffuser design around the rear, which once again enhances the sense of motion of the vehicle.


In terms of interior decoration and power, officials have not yet released detailed details. It is understood that the new car will be an advanced work of e-platform 3.0, and more details need to be further announced by the authorities.

In addition to the Sea Lion 07 EV, BYD's ocean car line based on e-platform 3.0 is planned to include seagulls, dolphins and pure electric seals positioned as A0 class cars. BYD official said: "in the future, BYD Ocean Network will integrate SUV models into 'Sea Lion IP',' car models into 'Seal IP',' to form a 'Gemini' strategy."

Ocean car series is a new product launched by BYD in 2021, which is subdivided into marine life series, warship series and e series products, which are sold in two channels: ocean net and dynasty net, respectively. In the first 10 months of this year, BYD sold 2.3115 million vehicles, up 70.36% from a year earlier, according to official figures. Among them, Ocean net and Dynasty net accumulated sales of about 2.2658 million vehicles, contributing more than 95%.


At this auto show, BYD's look up platform and easy Sifang concept car were also unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou auto show, along with the recently launched luxury version of look up U8 and the previously released look up U9 model. Among them, the price of U8 deluxe version is 1.098 million yuan, and it has been officially put into production in BYD's Xi'an factory. Officials say orders for the car have exceeded 30,000.


According to the plan, BYD has an annual sales target of 3 million vehicles in 2023, with a completion rate of 79.38% in the first 10 months of this year. At present, BYD has become the largest new energy car manufacturer in China, with a total layout of dynasty net, ocean net, momentum, look up and equation leopard brands, with product prices ranging from one million luxury to 100000 yuan. And a number of products dominate the passenger car market segment. The industry believes that with the launch of a number of models, BYD is expected to deliver more than 960000 new cars in the fourth quarter, with a cumulative delivery volume of more than 3.04 million for the whole year.

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