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There is no differential treatment! Understand the car emperor: invite car companies to observe on the spot

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 12, the official of the car emperor said on Weibo that all items of the winter test of 2023 understand the car emperor use unified test standards, which conforms to the user's winter extremely cold environment car scene, and there is no differential treatment. For this reason, understand the car emperor held 2023 winter test open day in Mohe, Heilongjiang Province, invite all participating automobile enterprises to observe on site and broadcast live.

At present, it is not known how many car enterprises will give the car emperor "face" to the scene observation. Some netizens said,"Pay attention to the latest results. Invite 39 car enterprises to watch the winter test on the spot, indicating a clear conscience." There are also netizens think,"No wind no waves, if there is no problem, not as for the Great Wall Geely big mouth three tycoons to attack you"...

Zhichedi entity company is Beijing Zhichedi Technology Co., Ltd., established in December 2018, providing one-stop automobile information and service platform, covering content, tools and community, with Zhichedi APP and Zhichedi PC webpage. As a third-party automobile vertical platform, the car owner will evaluate the popular models in the market every summer and winter, design exclusive evaluation scenarios according to the characteristics of different models and user concerns, and provide consumers with more intuitive and practical reference information for car purchase. A few days ago, understand the car emperor in Heilongjiang Mohe for new energy models winter test, including pure electric vehicles and plug-in/extended-program hybrid models, and understand the car emperor official announced plug-in/extended-program hybrid model endurance performance, so many car enterprises dissatisfied, this is also understand the car emperor since the start of winter test for the first time encountered public opinion crisis.

According to the statistics of "Trolley Report," the achievement rate of pure electric endurance announced by the car emperor is more than 80%, among which 85.08% is for U8, WLTC comprehensive endurance is 124km, and the measured endurance is 105km. In addition, Tengshi D9 DM-i, Tang DM-p, ideal L7 endurance rate are above 60%.

In addition to these 5 models, the 11 models that have been displayed include Weipai Blue Mountain, Ideal L9, Equation Leopard Leopard 5, Tank 400HiT, Haval Raptor and other endurance achievement rates, among which the bottom model is the boundary M7, the endurance achievement rate is 31.6%, WLTC comprehensive endurance is 175km, and the actual endurance is only 55.3 km.

As soon as the evaluation results of the car emperor were released, the officials of the world could not sit still. On December 8, the official release of the title of "No fear of cold, ask the world series of models winter test performance official interpretation" article, called to understand the car emperor evaluation method seriously deviated from the user's real use scene. Subsequently, Yu Chengdong forwarded the article unabashedly saying: "The test of pit people! Misleading the public! "It's not hard to see that Yu Chengdong is really angry!

Do you know how to measure the car emperor? "Trolley Report" learned through inquiry, understand the car emperor winter test is about this, participate in the evaluation of the model will be the day before the test filled with oil, fully charged, then power off to the next day and then power on, and then take an hour to carry out maintenance, and the whole process with air conditioning on. After servicing, the test vehicle will be tested directly on the road without charging. In this way, the battery consumed during the preparation process was already included in the endurance test. Therefore, according to the official statement,"the vehicle carried out a total of 71 minutes of air conditioning and heating before the official test, and continued heating for 40 minutes after the temperature inside the vehicle reached 24 degrees Celsius." In this process, there are more than ten times to open and close the doors and windows, among which the longest time exceeds 3 minutes, which greatly increases the energy consumption of the air conditioner, resulting in a rapid drop in electricity. "That is to say, when the inter-boundary M7 is in service, both the air conditioner and the door are open. When the real test is carried out, the inter-boundary M7 has already used up a lot of electricity.

In fact, think understand the car emperor test unfair, there are Great Wall Motor, Geely Automobile, especially Great Wall Motor, reaction is stronger than the car, because the models participating in the test, including Wei brand high mountain, Wei brand blue mountain, tank 400HiT, Haval dragon and other endurance achievement rate all cut, these models for the development of Great Wall Motor is extremely important, test model endurance cut, will certainly affect the terminal market sales, Great Wall Motor certainly can't bear it. Therefore, on December 11, Great Wall Motor gave a multi-faceted response to the evaluation of car emperor, and many executives spoke publicly on Weibo at the same time.

In addition, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely Holdings, also posted a long microblog, which also complained about unfair treatment of the vehicles under test during maintenance. It is understood that the Galaxy L6 and Link08 have the longest single opening time (10 minutes and 6 minutes and 39 seconds), and the endurance rate of both models is less than 40%.

If the data published by the two car companies is true, then understand that the car emperor for each test model in the maintenance is indeed different. In addition, understand the car emperor's test procedures do not mention the speed, acceleration and other key indicators, only specify 24 ℃ air conditioning temperature, does this mean that as long as the temperature inside the car is set to 24℃, the driver can drive as he wants? In this way, it seems that it is not too much to understand that the car emperor has been protested by many car enterprises.

In fact, the poor endurance of new energy vehicles is not new. Automobile enterprises are also making continuous efforts to improve the endurance, including research and development of high-density batteries, high-power charging piles, etc., and solving the endurance anxiety of electric vehicles in winter with new technologies. For automobile enterprises, if the test procedures are standardized and fair, then the poor test results are understandable, but more concerned is whether the test environment conforms to the consumer's car environment, and whether the test standards are uniform. According to the opinion of the car industry, it is obvious that this test seriously deviates from the consumer's car environment, so whether these data have reference value? Return to understand the car emperor, as a car vertical platform, whether there is profit output in such a large-scale evaluation, we have no way to investigate, nor should we care about the problem, but even if understand the car emperor to achieve openness and transparency, even if understand the car emperor is an authoritative organization, car enterprises will also be extremely rejected, understand the car emperor as the head of the sales channel backed by headlines, has become a virtual online sales channel monopolist, understand the car emperor by monopolizing the cooperation costs at the beginning of the year greatly increased prices. As a result, the cost of obtaining passengers of many automobile enterprises soared or even doubled. At that time, the automobile circulation association was forced to persuade peace, and the final price did not drop.

In the face of a third-party automobile vertical platform that is stronger than Auto Home and Yiche. com, once you get the "right to judge" the product, the result can be imagined. The dispute is not over yet. Perhaps a more accurate conclusion will be reached after Great Wall Motor's standard questioning communication meeting is over.

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