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From 469800 yuan, AITO asked M9 to go public.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 26th, M9, the flagship model of AITO Automobile, was officially launched, with a total of four models with a price range of 469800-569800 yuan. The M9 positioning large SUV, built by Huawei's full-stack smart car technology solution, is powered by two power versions, plus and pure electric, and the new car will be delivered on a large scale in February next year.

In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a new design style. specifically, the front face adopts the closed grille shape common on new energy models, and the polygonal headlights on both sides are connected by the central light belt, and the trapezoidal air intake grille that runs through the bottom is surrounded before the fitting. the whole looks very refined and broadens the visual width of the front face at the same time. However, the pure electric version of the new car and the extended version have some differences in the internal structure of the intake grille that surrounds the bottom of the front, so as to improve the identification of different power versions. In addition, officials say the new car has Huawei xPixel smart lights that can project text, patterns and even animation effects.

On the side of the body, the new car is designed with relatively straight lines, and the front and rear fenders protrude slightly from the body, full of muscle. The new car uses hidden door handles and two-color 21-inch multi-spoke rims, and the outline of the window is decorated with silver strips, together with the silver decoration at the bottom of the door and the design of the collision roof, which adds more luxury and hierarchy to the side. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 5230/1999/1800mm and the wheelbase is 3110mm, which is close to the ideal L9 and BMW X7 as a whole. In the rear part, the rear shape of the new car is very broad. The new car is designed with a large number of horizontal lines, and the polygonal tail light groups on both sides are also connected with LED lights, which echoes with the headlight group, and then surrounds the silver trim panel at the bottom, making the new car look more layered.

In the interior part, the new car also adopts a new design style. The new car uses high-grade NAPPA leather, with almost no physical buttons reserved on the center console, with a popular triple screen layout, a 12.3inch LCD dashboard, a 15.6inch intelligent central control screen and a 16-inch passenger entertainment screen, and a built-in brand new HarmonyOS 4 intelligent cockpit.

In terms of power, the new car provides extended range and pure electricity two sets of power systems, and both are front and rear double motor layout. Among them, the maximum power of the front motor of the pure electric version is 160kW, and the maximum power of the rear motor is 230kW, which is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with the capacity of 97.682kWh provided by Ningde era and a pure electric mileage of 630km under CLTC operating conditions; the extended version uses a H15RT 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW, coupled with a dual motor with maximum power of 165kW and 200kW, respectively, and the battery is a ternary lithium battery from Ningde era.

At the press conference, Yu Chengdong said that the current booking of the M9 has exceeded 54000 vehicles. As for the question of whether the M9 will become a popular style after its listing? As the latest flagship model, Yu Chengdong said earlier, "the M9 is not only the best SUV within 10 million, but also the most powerful SUV on the road." Considering the positioning and selling price of the new car, the M9, which is backed by Huawei, is indeed likely to become a popular style, which will compete with the ideal L9 (with a price range of 42.98-459800 yuan) when it comes to market.

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