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General Motors has been revealed to be laying off staff!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Dec. 14, according to media reports, GM will cut 1300 jobs at two car plants in Michigan in early January.

GM will cut 945 jobs at its Lake Orion plant in Michigan and 350at another plant in Lansing, Michigan, the report said. The layoffs at the two plants will take effect on January 1. The reason for the layoffs is that Chevrolet Bolt, Camaro and other models will be discontinued at the end of this year.

It is understood that GM Lake Orion factory mainly produces Chevrolet Bolt electric car model, which will stop production by the end of the year. In October, GM said it would delay production of electric pickups at its plant in Orion, Michigan, by a year to 2025. As for the Lansing plant, it mainly produces Cadillac CT4 and CT5 models and Chevrolet Camaro sports cars, of which the Camaro model will be discontinued next month.

GM said in an email statement that it would provide laid-off employees with other jobs in Michigan, including jobs at other factories, the report said.

GM officials have not yet responded to the above reports.

By the end of 2022, GM had about 81000 salaried employees worldwide, including 58000 in the United States, according to public documents. It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time GM has laid off staff this year.

In February, GM's chief human resources officer, Arden Hoffman, said in a letter to employees that the company was "committed to $2 billion in cost savings over the next two years, which will be achieved by reducing company expenses, administrative expenses and the complexity of all products." Then in March, GM CEO Mary Barra said in a letter to employees that GM had 58000 white-collar employees in the US and would offer voluntary buyouts for most of them to cut structural costs by $2 billion over the next two years. In April, GM's chief financial officer, Paul Jacobson, said that about 5000 employees had chosen to participate in the acquisition plan announced last month, which aims to reduce the global headcount and fixed costs of carmakers. GM expects to spend about $100 million this quarter as a result of the plan.

At present, GM is accelerating the transformation of electrification. According to the plan, by 2025, GM will launch more than 15 global brand models based on the Altenon platform in China, with an annual production capacity of more than 1 million electric vehicles in China.

General Motors CEO Mary Barra said on Dec. 13 that although GM has delayed production of some electric vehicles, it still plans to sell all electric vehicles by 2035. In October, GM announced that it would abandon its target of producing 400000 electric vehicles from 2022 to mid-2024.

According to the data, GM sold 873000 electric vehicles in the United States in the first three quarters of 2023 and is expected to exceed 1 million for the whole of 2023.

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