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Kia's first domestic electric car listed senior executives: there is no rival at the same level

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, Kia EV5 officially launched three new models with a price range of 14.98-174800 yuan. Kia EV5 is the first domestic pure electric vehicle in Kia China, positioning compact SUV, and it is also the third dedicated pure electric vehicle in Kia electric vehicle product series, based on Kia electric vehicle dedicated platform E-GMP.

Yang Honghai, chief operating officer of Kia China, was confident about the new car that will open up China's new energy vehicle market for Kia, saying bluntly on Weibo that "Kia EV5 is a completely competitive product with a 150000 level and no competitors."

In terms of appearance, Kia EV5 continues the conceptual design in styling, with a brand new digital tiger whistling grille on the front face and black painting on the bottom to increase the sports atmosphere. The newly designed headlight group is integrated with the concept of constellation map, with penetrating daylight group, the overall recognition is not low. In addition, the new car is surrounded by trapezoidal vents and is equipped with a silver guard, highlighting the strong "hardness".

The side of the car body, stout black eyebrows and thick side skirt, slightly raised front and rear fender visually have a muscular feeling, as the current popular hidden door handle, suspended roof and other designs are not absent. In terms of the rear part of the car, the shape of the new car's taillights is simple and recognizable, the through-type stereoscopic lamp group style echoes with the headlight group, the KIA logo is located in the middle of the lamp group, and the rear encirclement of the new car is also equipped with relatively hard "armor", which echoes with the front encirclement design.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of Kia EV5 are 4615/1875/1715mm and the wheelbase is 2750mm. Compared with the competitors of the same class, the performance of Kia EV5 is not outstanding, and it can only be regarded as regular in the same class.

In terms of interior decoration, the overall design style of Kia EV5 is more simple than that of Kia models on sale, with 12.3in full LCD instrument and 12.3in multimedia screen. The car system adopts the new UI design, built-in Kia's latest generation of ccNC in-vehicle infotainment system, and supports vehicle OTA upgrade. In addition, the four-frame steering wheel adopts two-color matching, and the rear is also integrated with a shielding operating lever. The central armrest in the front row of the Kia EV5 is connected to the seat and uses the same color and material as the seat. It is understood that Kia EV5 will provide 9 exterior color matching and 4 interior color matching.

In terms of power, three versions of the model will be available in the Chinese market: the standard continued version, the long-lasting version and the long-lasting four-wheel drive version, which will be launched in March 2024. Generally speaking, although a small amount of SKU makes it easier for consumers to make choices, less selectivity may also lead to unmet needs of some groups.

Specifically, the standard battery model is equipped with 64kW h battery pack and 160kW motor, and the CLTC mileage is 530km. The long-lasting model is equipped with 88kW h battery and the same 160kW motor, and the CLTC mileage is 700km. The long-lasting four-wheel drive version will be equipped with 88kW h battery pack, comprehensive output power of 230kW, front wheel motor 160kW, rear wheel motor 70kW. EV5 will be equipped with intelligent function recovery system and i-Pedal system.

As a compact pure electric SUV, Kia EV5's main competitors are domestic cars, including BYD PLUS, GAC AION Y, Geely Galaxy L7 and so on. From the point of view of product configuration, although Kia EV5 is in the same price range with the above models, the product competitiveness is not strong, for example, in terms of auxiliary driving, only the top of the three models are equipped with L2-level auxiliary driving function, and the panoramic image is also only carried on the top model. Compared with joint venture models, brand recognition is not as good as German and Japanese brands, coupled with the dominant position of independent brands in the field of new energy vehicles, which leads to the listing of Kia's electric vehicles, does not have a unique advantage.

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