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The video of "wiping the edge" went viral! Wuling official: has called the police

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On January 16, a "Wuling Xingguang DEMO" video appeared on the Internet, which seemed to introduce the car at the beginning, but soon, the video showed two young women dressed sexy and flirting, and the video sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. At present, the relevant videos can no longer be searched on social media, leaving only some screenshots.

In response to the online news, Zhou Yan, deputy general manager of SAIC GM's Wuling brand division, responded on his personal Weibo: "the police have been called". Subsequently, in the evening, Wuling Automobile officials also responded to the matter. "the 'Wuling Xingguang related DEMO videos' that appeared on the Internet are all unofficial acts," Wuling said. "it has caused extremely serious impact on the reputation of the Wuling brand, and the company's legal department has collected relevant evidence and reported the case to the local public security organs that afternoon." Wuling stressed: "the Internet is not a place outside the law!" resolutely resist any form of damage to the brand and product image, and reserve the right to pursue the legal liability of the relevant subjects! "

Wuling Xingguang is the first new energy car of Wuling brand. It went on sale on December 6, 2023, and launched two versions of CLTC integrated mileage 150km and 70km, which are priced at 105800 yuan and 88800 yuan respectively. In the car market, it mainly competes with BYD Qin PLUS DM-i (9.98-145800 yuan), Geely Galaxy L6 (11.58-149800 yuan), Chang'an Qiyuan A05 (8.99-132900 yuan) and other models.

In terms of appearance, Wuling Xingguang adopts the concept of star wing aesthetic design, with two different styles of front face design, in order to distinguish plug-in hybrid version and pure electric version of the model, the overall style of avant-garde fashion. The side of the car body, the overall line is smooth, and with the visual effect of lightning surface and slip-back styling design. In terms of the tail, the through-type star ring taillight has a certain sense of the future, and it is surrounded by a large area of black, and the overall style is also very athletic. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the car are 4835/1860/1515mm, the wheelbase is 2800mm, the length of the body is close to the BYD Seal and Deep Blue SL03 on the market, and the wheelbase is shorter than the latter two, positioning a medium-sized sedan.

In the interior part, the Wuling Starlight car is equipped with a 15.6-inch central control screen and an 8.8-inch LCD instrument, and the center console uses relatively straight lines of the center console to create a good sense of visual hierarchy. In terms of power, the Wuling Xingguang plug-in hybrid version is equipped with a Wuling plug-in hybrid system composed of a 1.5L engine and motor, with a maximum engine power of 78 kilowatts, a maximum torque of 130Nm, a battery capacity of 9.5kwh and 20.5kwh, a pure electric mileage of 70km and 150km (CLTC operating conditions), and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 3.98-4.09L for 100 km.

Retail data show that the top three models sold by Wuling Hongguang in 2023 were Wuling Hongguang MINI EV, Wuling Colorado and Wuling Hongguang S, with sales of 237900, 167800 and 114500 respectively. Wuling Xingguang has sold 10700 vehicles since its launch, including 2146 in November and 8550 in December 2023.

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