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Suspected of a crime! Notice of Dongfeng discipline Inspection Commission

2024-10-24 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On February 2, the official account of the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Automobile Group, "Clean Dongfeng", issued the latest announcement:

Kang Lihua, former party committee member and executive general manager of Dongfeng Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Dongfeng discipline Inspection Commission and Hubei Enshi Prefecture and Shiyan Municipal Supervisory Committee; Liu Qiheng, former member of the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Special Commercial vehicle Co., Ltd., former Minister of Finance and Accounting Department of Dongfeng Huashen Automobile Co., Ltd.; Wang Jiawei, former Party Committee Secretary, discipline Inspection Secretary and Trade Union Chairman of Dongfeng Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. Yang Jun, former chief of the after-sales career Development Section of Dongfeng Nissan Automobile sales Co., Ltd., conducted an examination and investigation on serious violations of discipline and law. Now the investigation has been concluded. According to relevant regulations, Kang Lihua, Liu Qiheng, Wang Jiawei, and Yang Jun were transferred to judicial organs for examination and prosecution on suspicion of job-related crimes.

Due to the long chain and large scale of the industry, the automobile industry is relatively prone to corruption. Apart from the Dongfeng Company, I am afraid there is no second car company that shows the trend of continuous high-pressure anti-corruption. As a central enterprise, Dongfeng Company has acted vigorously in the anti-corruption campaign, and has never stopped, "zero tolerance" for corruption.

According to incomplete statistics, a total of 26 senior executives of Dongfeng Company were investigated in 2023. The most recent one was on 22 December, according to the Central Commission for discipline Inspection and State Supervision Commission in the discipline Inspection and Supervision team of the State-owned assets Supervision Commission of the State Council and the Hubei Provincial discipline Inspection Commission: Tong Dongcheng, former member of the standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Dongfeng Company, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, and is currently under investigation by the discipline Inspection and Supervision team of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection in the State Council and the Hubei Provincial Commission for discipline Inspection.

In a report published on the website of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission, it was pointed out: "the automobile industry is a key industry facing the risk and challenge of corruption, and we must maintain the intensity of 'punishment', adhere to the main tone of 'strict', build a solid anti-corruption barrier, and strictly prevent 'relying on cars to eat cars'." The relevant person in charge of Dongfeng Company also told the media: "since the 18th CPC National Congress put forward eight regulations, Dongfeng Company's anti-corruption work has begun one after another. For Dongfeng Company, anti-corruption work has been going on, and has become a regular work."

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