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Intelligence S7 was rumored to be difficult to deliver senior executives to leave! Official response

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, some netizens posted on the Internet that a senior Chery executive resigned because of the delay in the delivery of the S7 model. At the same time, according to people familiar with the matter, there have been some problems in the running-in process of Huawei's smart car business with Chery, and since December last year, there have been widespread delays in the delivery of the S7, leading to the resignation of a Chery executive.

Today, in response to these rumors, Chery spokesman Jin Yibo said: the online rumors are not true, the cooperation between the two sides is smooth, and the senior executives did not resign because of the cooperation project. At the same time, it also said that in order to provide users with the best products and services, Chery and Huawei are making every effort to promote the production and delivery of the intellectual S7, have invested more resources, and will continue to deepen cooperation.

It is worth noting that recently, many car owners on the online platform have posted that the delivery time of the Zhijie S7 model they bought has been extended. In response to the delay in the delivery of the S7, Huawei Hongmeng Zhihang announced on January 15 that it apologized to the car owners who failed to pick up the car on time due to a large backlog of orders for the S7 model, and launched a car pick-up care subsidy program.

From the perspective of the subsidy program, it is mainly aimed at smart S7 users who have completed the payment before November 28, 2023 and January 15, 2024 (including). For users with non-Baisha apricot interiors in S7 Max/Max RS, the official waiting time is 6 weeks. If it exceeds 6 weeks, it will be subsidized by 200 yuan per day and capped at 10000 yuan. Users of Wisdom S7 Max/Max RS Baisha apricot interior and Wisdom S7 Max+ officially promise to deliver it on February 29th, 2024. Starting from March 1st (inclusive), the subsidy will be 200 yuan per day and the ceiling will be 10000 yuan. Huawei has responded to the delivery problem of the intellectual S7, saying that the factory is producing at full capacity to ensure high-quality delivery.

The delay in the delivery of a large area of the Wisdom S7 model has also triggered a heated discussion among people inside and outside the industry. Some netizens said that it may be related to factory production capacity. It is understood that Zhijie S7 is produced by Chery's new Intelligent NetLian Super No.2 factory last year, which is planned to have an annual production capacity of 500000 vehicles. On December 5 last year, the first S7 vehicle went off the line at the factory. The factory is still in a small batch trial production stage, and people close to the factory have told the media that although the main body of the factory has been completed, the equipment in the workshop is still being debugged, and it is not easy to recruit workers near the Spring Festival. As of January 20, it has been reported that no more than 10 vehicles will be off the line in a single day at the Chery Intelligent networking Super 2 factory. On the other hand, the daily production capacity of the Zhijie S7 production line of the Smart Super one factory has dropped to less than 20% from about 100 vehicles last month. And the production of the super-first factory intelligence S7 will stop soon, and it is still unknown when the super-second plant will enter the formal production state. officials have not yet responded to the claim that the factory has the capacity.

In addition, there is also news in the market that the delay in delivery of the smart S7 may be related to Huawei's low chip production capacity and the adoption of a new platform. According to relevant sources, the cockpit chip used in the intellectual S7 is Huawei's own chip. At present, the production capacity of this chip is not high, with a capacity of only 1600 chips in December last year. Wang Yanyi, president of Huawei Smart car Business Department, also said that the delivery difficulties of the smart S7 were mainly due to the adoption of new platforms, supply chains and technologies, and the supplier's initial product yield did not meet the requirements of large-scale mass production. as a result, some parts and software are holding back production.

Relevant data show that: Zhijie Automobile is a brand-new automobile brand created by the cooperation between Chery and Huawei. The Zhijie S7, the first smart car jointly launched by the two sides, went on sale on November 28 last year with a total of four versions with an official guiding price of 249800-349800 yuan. With the blessing of Huawei and Chery, the new car was favored by the market as soon as it was launched. Official figures show that the Wisdom S7 received more than 10,000 orders in two days of pre-sale. Yu Chengdong of Huawei even called the Zhijie S7 a C-class luxury high-end car, which must sell at least 400000 specifications, which is higher than Tesla Model S and Mercedes-Benz EQE. It said that the intelligent S7 price is after several rounds of cost calculation, the four versions are at a loss, and so on the scale up to reduce costs, in the future to achieve a turnaround.

If more than 10, 000 orders are officially announced, combined with the situation of the factory, it may take some time for the Wisdom S7 to be delivered on a large scale. In fact, delays in the delivery of new energy vehicles are common in the market. In this regard, some people in the industry pointed out that at present, many new energy vehicles are purchased in futures, and they generally have to be paid for a month or two before they can be delivered, and the delay is normal. After all, the mass production of a vehicle involves many links, such as supply chain, prototype production, test stage, design improvement and so on. Each link may affect the final mass production of the vehicle.

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