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Give out year-end bonuses for 4 to 8 months? Ideal car CEO: clear distinction between reward and punishment

2024-10-24 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Feb. 5, a car blogger said on Weibo: "the pulse shows that this year's ideal year-end bonus red packet is a bit big."and attached a picture of" about the month-end bonus, pulse ideal community vote ".

Then ideal car CEO Li wanted to forward the message and said: "We can not only learn from Huawei's process, but not Huawei's benefit distribution, we adhere to two simultaneous learning, binding each other." More bonuses will be paid if the target is exceeded in 2023, and less bonus will be paid if the goal is not achieved in 2022, so as to make a clear distinction between reward and punishment. Only learn the advanced process, do not learn the advanced benefit distribution, the reward and punishment is not clear, is the biggest reason for the inefficiency of the organization, simply messing with the staff. There are growth, achievements and returns, all of which are indispensable. "

According to Interface News, the year-end bonus for an ideal car in 2023 is between 4 and 8 months' salary, which is higher than the traditional standard structure of "12 salary + 2 months year-end bonus". As to why the year-end bonus of the ideal car in 2023 will be higher than the traditional "12 salary + 2-month year-end bonus" standard structure is related to its sales performance during the year.

Data show that a total of 376030 ideal cars were delivered in 2023, an increase of 182.21% over the same period last year, making it the number one car company in new power sales. Among them, the ideal car delivered 50353 new cars in December, an increase of 22.72% from the previous month, an increase of 137.15% over the same period last year, setting a new high for monthly delivery. this is also the first time that it delivered more than 50, 000 vehicles a month this year, and the previous month also reached a new high for many times.

As for the delivery performance in 2023, Li wants to say: "all targets in 2023 have been achieved: 376000, 50000, 20000, 300. challenge higher goals in 2024: 800000, 100000, 30000, 2000. In other words, the ideal annual car delivery target for 2024 is 800000.

At present, ideal car models on sale include ideal L9 with 40-500000 yuan, ideal L8 with 30-400000 yuan and ideal L7 with 30-400000 yuan. All three models are hot-selling products. Taking the retail sales in 2023 as an example, the ideal L7, ideal L8 and ideal L9 sales are 134100, 118000 and 114400 respectively.

Ideal Automotive officials say this year will be an unprecedented year for ideal cars, with four extended-range models and four pure electric models, as well as eight highly competitive product combinations to meet the needs of home users. Among them, the ideal MEGA model will be delivered on March 1, which is the fourth model under the ideal car and the first MPV model, and is expected to sell for less than 600000 yuan. In addition to the ideal MEGA model, the ideal new SUV-- ideal L6 declaration chart has also appeared in the declaration catalogue. The appearance and shape of the new car is consistent with that of the current ideal car, and the power will be equipped with lithium iron phosphate batteries produced by Ningde Times, and will be equipped with a 1.5L engine produced by Sichuan ideal Xinchen Technology Co., Ltd., with a maximum power of 113kW. According to the plan, the new car will be officially launched in April this year.

As for this year's delivery target, ideal Automobile officials reiterated: "this year will challenge the annual delivery of 800000 vehicles to achieve the goal of top sales of luxury car brands in the Chinese market." Before that, Li Xiang said he was confident that he would challenge the sales of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China in 2024 and strive to become the No. 1 luxury brand by sales in 2024.

It should be noted that after entering 2024, ideal cars also face strong competitors. Data show that in January 2024, ideal delivered 31165 new cars, an increase of 105.83% over the same period last year and a month-on-month decline of 38.11%. For comparison, the company delivered 32973 new cars, an increase of 636.83% over the same period last year and 34.76% month-on-month growth, becoming the monthly sales champion of new power brands in the Chinese market for the first time. In other words, the sales status of ideal cars has been taken away.

The question is the biggest rival of the ideal car, which is a fact that Li wants to admit publicly, which puts great pressure on the ideal car. At present, AITO M5, M7 and M9 are on sale. Among them, M9 went on sale in December 2023, with a total of extended range version (CLTC 225km) and pure electric version (CLTC 630km). The price range is 46.98-569800 yuan. Yu Chengdong said the car is the best SUV within 10 million, which will be delivered at the end of February and has exceeded 30, 000 vehicles.

As for the expectations for this year's year-end bonus, Interface News pointed out in the report that the attitude of ideal car insiders appears to be cautious and conservative, and this is also related to the ideal car's sales target of 800000 vehicles this year. The strong strength of AITO has put a lot of pressure on ideal cars, which is planned to set a sales target of 600000 vehicles in 2024.

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