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More than 15000 yuan! Tesla raises the price of Model Y in Germany

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Tesla raised the German price of the Model Y from 42990 euros to 44990 euros, an increase of 2000 euros (about 15483 yuan), the long-range all-wheel drive version from 49990 euros to 52490 euros, and the high-performance all-wheel drive version from 55990 euros to 58,490 euros, an increase of 2,500 euros (19,354 yuan), according to Tesla's official website.

It should be noted that two days ago, according to Tesla's US official website, the prices of the Model Y rear wheel drive model and long-range all-wheel drive model were reduced by $1000 to $42990 and $47990 respectively, 2.3 per cent and 2 per cent lower than previous prices. Prices will rise by $1000 or more from March 1, according to the official website. Prior to this, Tesla announced a price increase on February 4, when he raised the price of the long-term Model 3 to $46990, compared with the original price of $45990.

In the Chinese market, Tesla also adjusted prices. On January 12th, Tesla Chinese official announced that the price of Model 3/Model Y had been reduced. Among them, the new version of Model 3 decreased by 15500 yuan, and the adjusted price was 245900 yuan; the new version of Model 3 long-lasting navigation decreased by 11500 yuan, and the latest price was 299900 yuan; in addition, the price of Tesla Model Y rear wheel drive version was reduced by 7500 yuan, and the adjusted guidance price was 258900 yuan; Tesla Model Y long-lasting navigation version price was reduced by 6500 to 299900 yuan; and the price of Model Y high-performance version remained unchanged at 362900 yuan.

Up to now, Tesla's global sales models include Model 3, Model Y, Model S and Model X a total of four models, of which, Model SameX is the first batch of models that Tesla enters China, and both models are introduced into the domestic market by import. Compared with the domestic Model 3GPY Model Smax X, which locates millions of high-end luxury cars, the high price also leads to a small audience of the two cars in the domestic market.

For the whole of 2023, Tesla's delivery volume rose 38 per cent to 1.8086 million vehicles from a year earlier, meeting Tesla's annual sales target of 1.8 million vehicles, according to official data. Tesla delivered a total of 947000 vehicles in China in 2023, accounting for 52 per cent of the total global delivery of 1.8086 million vehicles, according to the Federation of passengers.

Although Tesla successfully achieved the sales target in 2023, it is also inseparable from the sacrifice of profit for price for volume. In 2023, Tesla cut prices in the United States, Europe, China and other markets, a move that enhanced the competitiveness of Tesla models, but also led to a decline in Tesla's gross profit margin.

On January 25, Tesla released financial results, showing that Tesla's annual operating income in 2023 was 96.77 billion US dollars, up 19% from the same period last year; the annual net profit was 14.997 billion US dollars, up 19% from the same period last year; and Tesla's gross profit in 2023 was 18.2%. Compared with 2022, Tesla's revenue and profit growth slowed significantly, and gross profit margin failed to return to 20%.

As for the sales forecast for 2024, Tesla also sent a red flag. Earlier, foreign media reported that Tesla will face more challenges in the new year, including the reduction of subsidies for electric vehicles in the United States and Germany and stricter regulatory scrutiny of its self-driving functions in the United States and European countries. The report also pointed out that the decline in the cost of battery raw materials will also force Tesla to cut prices further in 2024. Although Tesla officially did not respond to the news, Tesla warned that car growth in 2024 would be "likely to be significantly lower" than in 2023.

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