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The new MINI Cooper fuel version of the official picture released!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, MINI officially released the new MINI Cooper fuel version official picture release. The new car is located in a small hatchback, which was unveiled at the 2023 Munich Auto Show and recently completed a new car declaration at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In terms of power, the three-door version offers 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder engines, while the five-door version is expected to be released this year.

In terms of appearance, the new MINI Cooper fuel version of the overall continuation of the electric version of the design, the front face of the closed grille adjustment to honeycomb shape, the Cooper S version of the front face with the red "S" letter logo, while the electric version of the SE model uses the fluorescent yellow "S" letter logo.

On the side of the body, the new MINI Cooper uses the classic two-door shape, looks very compact, is equipped with two-color rims, and provides three specifications such as 16-18 inches according to different models, which tends to be athletic as a whole. In the rear part, the new MINI Cooper model maintains a consistent design style with the electric version, with a hidden exhaust pipe layout, the triangular taillights are highly recognizable, and the middle is connected with a through strip, thus widening the visual width of the tail, the red sign on the right side of the rear LOGO further indicates the identity of the fuel vehicle, while the pure electric model uses the green "S" letter sign.

In the interior part, the new car also follows the electric version of the model design style, with a 9.44-inch circular central control screen, providing entertainment information, air conditioning control, vehicle settings and other functions. Physical buttons and knobs are kept at the bottom of the central control screen, but the classic circular air conditioner is abandoned and replaced by a through air outlet.

In terms of power, the new car offers two versions of 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder, the entry model is equipped with 1.5T three-cylinder engine, maximum power 154hp, peak torque 230Nm, acceleration time of 0100km / h 7.7s; Cooper S carries 2.0T four-cylinder engine, maximum power 201hp, peak torque 300Nm, acceleration time of 0100km / h is 6.6s.

For BMW, China is its most important single market. In the context of electrified transformation, electrification is a sharp weapon for BMW to achieve growth. In the past 2023, BMW has launched five all-electric models in China, including the BMW iX, BMW i4, BMW iX3, BMW i3 and BMW i7, covering almost all consumer segments, but it remains to be seen whether the car can boost BMW's car sales in China.

In December 2019, the BMW Group established a joint venture in the Chinese market, Beam Automobile Co., Ltd., which is 50% owned by Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. and BMW (Holland) Holdings Co., Ltd. BMW (Holland) Holdings is the actual controller. The "MINI COOPER" is the first production car of Beamer, which has been declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and is expected to go on sale this year.

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