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Biweekly sales list for Spring Festival released

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Spring Festival biweekly (2.5-2.18) car brand sales are out! As a result of the Spring Festival holiday, the sales of major car companies were greatly reduced in the second and third weeks of February.

According to the new energy brand sales list in China, BYD still ranks first in sales, topping the list with 30600 vehicles, making it the only brand with more than 10,000 sales, followed by Wuling and Tesla with 9400 and 8200 respectively. As strong competitors, the sales of ideal cars and interlocutors are 7000 and 5500 respectively, a difference of 1500. The sixth to tenth places are Changan, Qiyuan, Ean, Volkswagen and Galaxy.

Ideal car is still the top seller of the new power brand in the Chinese market, with weekly sales of 7000, higher than the 5500 in AITO, but there is no doubt that the current ideal car does have sales pressure. L7+L8+L9 three cars can barely outsell M7, of which L7 biweekly sales are 2924, L9 is 2166, L8 is 1976, and M7 is 4633.

Previously, ideal car CEO Li Xiang said he was confident that he would challenge the sales of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China in 2024 and strive to become the No. 1 luxury brand by sales in 2024. While announcing the January delivery volume, ideal Auto officials reiterated: "this year will challenge the annual delivery of 800000 vehicles to achieve the goal of top sales of luxury brands in the Chinese market."

Judging from the results so far, it seems quite difficult for the ideal car to reach the delivery target of 800000 vehicles, but the ideal car still has a "license" in hand. According to officials, this year will be an unprecedented product year for ideal cars, with four extended-range models and four pure electric models, and eight highly competitive product combinations to meet the needs of home users. It is understood that the ideal car will be launched in March January pure electric MPV MEGA, the same month the ideal L series will launch 2024 models, the next month is expected to launch the ideal L6 model, the new car positioning medium range SUV, the price is less than 300000.

The question that puts the ideal car under pressure mainly depends on the new M7. 95% of the products delivered by the brand in January are the new M7, with monthly sales of more than 30,000 per model for the first time. The M7 has always been a high-volume model, which began to be delivered in August 2022. At first, it sold more than 10,000 cars a month, but it could not be sold since April 2023, with less than a thousand cars sold every month. The M7 was rebuilt and launched in August 2023, with higher configurations and lower prices, and finally became popular again.

Except for the ideal car and the level of more than 5000 cars, the performance of other brands is relatively average. Dark Blue, extreme Krypton, Zero, Weilai, Tengli and Xiaopeng are all about 1000, while Lantu and Wei are less than 1000, of which Wei is at the bottom, only 600.

In 2024, the demand of China's new energy vehicle market will continue to grow, but the competition will also be more fierce. After the New year, BYD launched Qin PLUS Honor version and Destroyer 05 Glory version, which fired the first shot in the price war of New Energy vehicles in the year of the Dragon, followed by Wuling, Nezha, Zero run, Qiyuan and individual joint venture brands to follow the price reduction. The competition between new and old automakers is fierce, and the process is expected to continue for several years until a new pattern is formed.

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