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6.5 billion! Volkswagen Jianghuai official announcement

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

In the latest issue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology declaration catalogue, the "Tramway report" obtained the new pure electric SUV--ID.UNYX application chart of Volkswagen Anhui. The new car is called "Yuzhong" in Chinese. It is based on the MEB platform and the reporting enterprise Volkswagen (Anhui) Co., Ltd. will be released and listed this year. According to previous reports, Volkswagen Anhui owns Cupra brand and Volkswagen brand, Tavascan is the model of Cupra brand, which is mainly supplied overseas, while ID.UNYX is the model of Volkswagen brand, which is sister to Tavascan and mainly supplies domestic models.

As a model based on the MEB platform, the ID.UNYX and Cupra Tavascan are sister models to each other and adopt a more radical design style in appearance, compared with other ID currently on sale. The model is completely different. As a pure electric car, the ID.UNYX has a wide diversion groove around the front and integrated black strips inside, which combined with the diversion curve to create a very aggressive style. The new headlamp group uses a highly recognizable triangular light source layout, with a sharp headlight group shape and a muscular front cover, making the front part of the car more aggressive.

In this context, Volkswagen began to actively look for partners in China. In July 2023, Volkswagen and Xiaopeng signed a strategic technical cooperation and minority investment framework agreement. At the initial stage of the cooperation, the two sides will jointly develop two Volkswagen-branded medium-sized cars specifically for the Chinese market, the first of which will be launched in 2026. In October 2023, Volkswagen China spent 5 billion yuan to acquire a 4.99% stake in Xiaopeng Motor, formally buying a stake in Xiaopeng Motor and becoming Xiaopeng's third largest shareholder.

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