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Major adjustment! Dongfeng Liuqi changed its coach.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On March 15, 2024, Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. announced the decision of major leadership adjustment: Lin Changbo took over as General Manager of Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., and former General Manager Tang Jing was transferred to Group headquarters.

Lin Changbo is the "old man" of Dongfeng Liuqi. He joined Liuqi after graduating from college in 2002. He has more than 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, starting from the grass-roots level step by step. He has rich grass-roots management experience and technical background in technology, quality, manufacturing, planning, overseas sales and other positions. Prior to this, Lin Changbo was the deputy general manager in charge of technology and marketing of Dongfeng Liuqi, as well as the president of the Research and Development Institute.

Founded in 1954, Dongfeng Liuqi is a wholly state-owned holding company owned by 75% of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. and 25% of Liuzhou Industrial Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd., with its headquarters and production base in Liuzhou. It is the main automobile manufacturer in Liuzhou. At present, Dongfeng Liuqi has two major brands, Chenglong and Dongfeng vogue, which are committed to the development of commercial vehicle and passenger car market.

According to the official website, Dongfeng Wind has a new Jingyi S50, popular T5/T5 EVO, Lingzhi, yacht, popular Thunder and other models, including cars, SUV and MPV. In 2023, Dongfeng Fashion sold 51479 vehicles, the highest sales model is Lingzhi, 23802 vehicles, other models are less than 10,000, Fengfeng T5 EVO is 8951.

In November 2022, Dongfeng Fashion officially released the "photosynthetic Future" plan, putting forward the grand goal of achieving 100% electrification within three years and stopping the production of fuel vehicles within five years. In the future product planning, three types of 10 new energy products will be launched by the end of 2025, covering cars, SUV and MPV.

In 2024, Dongfeng Fashion will launch two strategic models under the new new energy platform-Dongfeng Xinghai V9 and Dongfeng Xinghai S7, while it will launch four hybrid products-yacht PHEV, T5 EVO REEV, Lingzhi REEV and the new generation Lingzhi, to fully meet the car needs of different user groups and accelerate to the goal of annual sales of 150000 vehicles.

The Xinghai V9, or renamed from the Dongfeng yacht V9, has a dual design, one of which is the same as the yacht V9. In terms of size, refer to yacht V9, whose length, width and height are 5251/1920/1810mm and wheelbase 3018mm respectively. In terms of power, the Xinghai V9 uses a plug-in hybrid system, the maximum power of the 1.5T engine is 140kW, and the battery comes from Xinwanda.

The Xinghai S7 is a pure electric car with a design style similar to that of the popular Thunder. The length, width and height of the new car are 4935/1915/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2915mm. In terms of power, the car will be equipped with a TZ200XS3F0 drive motor produced by Zhixin Technology Co., Ltd., with a maximum power of 160kW. For the first time, it will be equipped with a fashionable new pure electric architecture platform and a fully upgraded armored battery 2.0Query CLTC to continue to 500km.

As a commercial and passenger car brand, Dongfeng fashion does not have a strong sense of existence in the domestic market, and its best-selling products are few. Industry insiders said that Dongfeng Liuqi products are relatively weak at the beginning, and there is still an opportunity to test the market. With the increasing competitiveness of the market, consumers will be more rational in choosing products, and those products that lack the accumulation of technology will gradually be on the edge and even be eliminated. For Dongfeng vogue, the suspension of the sale of fuel vehicles is undoubtedly to adapt to the changes in the market, but it requires good blacksmiths to make good steel, and relevant strategies and product support to survive in the market. Products, marketing, channels and other omni-directional progress, so as to achieve product upward, brand upward, and whether the new leader Lin Changbo can lead Dongfeng Liuqi to break the situation remains to be verified.

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