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It sells for 179800 yuan! BYD frigate 07 Honor Edition on the market

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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March 18, BYD Ocean Network frigate 07 Honor Edition officially launched. The new car has launched a total of five models with DM-i and DM-p power, with a price range of 179800-259800 yuan.

Like the glory version of other models, the frigate 07 glory version is also a small adjustment based on the frigate 07, with a new shell white on the interior, equipped with the new DiLink 100 engine system, and changed part of the configuration to the whole system standard.

In terms of appearance, the appearance of the frigate 07 Honor Edition remains the same as that of the frigate 07 model, with a large area intake grille on the front face, the interior of the grille is filled with horizontal chrome plated strips, the two ends of the strips are silver glowing decoration, the headlights are newly designed, the headlamp group is connected with the strips, and the English logo "BYD" is embedded in the middle, which has a high degree of recognition. On the side of the body, the new car integrates into the raised waistline, the whole car has smooth lines, and the new car looks more stylish with hidden door handles and low wind resistance wheels in the style of five-spoke petals. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car is 4820/1920/1750mm, the wheelbase is 2820mm, and the positioning is large, five-seat and medium-sized SUV. In the rear part, the new car uses a penetrating light group, and the internal structure is similar to the new Han's "Chinese knot" with high recognition, with a hollowed-out spoiler at the top of the rear window glass and a license plate frame integrated in the bottom black rear bar.

Interior part, the new car uses a large number of leather materials, the seat into the spray style, the overall vision is more fashionable, the whole department is equipped with 10.25inch full liquid crystal instrument, 15.6inch adaptive rotation center control screen, built-in brand new DiLink 4.0 intelligent network connection and 5G speed connection function, support language recognition, 5G network connection, map navigation and other functions. In terms of seats, the new car adopts a conventional layout of five seats.

In terms of power, the new car provides DM-i version and DM-p four-wheel drive version, both use Snapcloud-plug-in special 1.5Ti engine, the maximum engine power is 102kW, of which the maximum motor power of the two-wheel drive version is 145kW; the four-wheel drive version uses a newly developed rear-drive three-in-one assembly, the maximum total power of dual motors is increased to 295kW, and the maximum total torque is 656N ·m.

It is understood that frigate 07 is a BYD Ocean Network model, launched in December 2022, a total of 6 models, the price range of 20.28-289800 yuan, in the car market mainly with Changan UNI-K iDD, Macchiato DHT-PHEV and other models to compete. Retail data show that the cumulative sales of frigates 07 in 2023 were 66262.

Since February 19, BYD has launched a number of "honor version" models, ranging from A0 to C-class cars and a variety of SUV models. The 2007 Honor version of the frigate is another glory version after seagulls, dolphins, seals and destroyers 05, Song PLUS and E2. With the arrival of more cheaper "glory version" models, BYD dropped the price to less than 100000 and adopted a price reduction strategy to further reduce the price space in the A0 market.

According to the latest figures, BYD sold 122300 new energy vehicles in February 2024, down 36.8 per cent from a year earlier; as of the end of February, BYD sold a total of 332800 new energy vehicles in the first two months of this year, down 6.1 per cent from a year earlier. It remains to be seen whether the arrival of more "honorable" models will boost BYD's sales.

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