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It starts at 127900 yuan! Jettos X90 PRO goes public

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On March 20th, the X90 PRO, a subsidiary of Chery Jetway, was officially launched. The new car has launched a total of five models with a price range of 127900-169900 yuan.

The new car can be regarded as the fuel version of Shanhai L9, positioning medium-sized SUV, internal and external design using the latest family design style, power equipped with 1.6T and 2.0T engines, all models are equipped with wet double clutch gearbox.

In terms of appearance, the new car uses the latest family design language, and the overall design style is similar to that of Shanhai L9. The front face adopts straight waterfall large-size grille design, both sides are equipped with split headlamps, the top of the grille is a penetrating LED light belt, which effectively stretches the visual width, and the lower air intake adopts trapezoid design to add a sharp sense to the vehicle. In addition, the new car is also equipped with forward millimeter wave radar, the overall visual effect is more exquisite atmosphere.

In the side and rear parts of the body, the design style of the new car is basically the same as that of the Shanhai L9. The difference is that the new car adds "390TGDI" to the fender to show the identity of the fuel vehicle. The new car uses a segmented waistline design, with traditional door handles and 20-inch rim design. In terms of size, the new car length width and height 4858/1925/1780mm, wheelbase 2850mm. In the rear part, the new car continues to retain the combination of through taillights and chrome strips, and decorated with straight strips, with a bilateral two-way exhaust layout below, further providing the vehicle with a sports atmosphere.

In terms of interior decoration, the new car is equipped with the latest family design style, equipped with 15.6in 1080p suspension central control screen and 10.25in LCD instrument, built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, support for 540 °panoramic parking system and other functions. The new car also uses a flat-bottomed steering wheel, through-type air outlet, electronic block handle, 50-watt wireless fast charge, etc., the overall sense of technology is good. In terms of seat layout, the new car adopts two layouts of 5 seats / 7 seats, and the storage capacity of the trunk is 1634L under the condition of 5 seats.

In terms of power, the new car is equipped with 1.6T and 2.0T engines, of which the 1.6T engine has a maximum power of 197hp and a peak torque of 290Nm; the 2.0TGDI engine has a maximum power of 254hp and a peak torque of 390Nm; both engine transmission systems match a seven-speed double clutch transmission.

In addition to the Jettos X90 PRO model, Jettos also announced the latest product plans for the next two years, including Jettos Shanhai L6, Shanhai L7, Shanhai Tmurl L, Shanhai T1, Shanhai T2 and other new cars, of which Shanhai L7 will be listed on Q3 and Shanhai T1 on Q4.

Jetway is the auto product series launched by Chery Holdings Group on January 22, 2018, which once belonged to Kairui Automobile. At the beginning of its launch, it adopted the model strategy of high configuration and low price, and quickly relied on the Chery channel end for layout. According to the official website, Jettos currently sells models such as Jettos, X90 Zilong, X90 PLUS, X90, New X70S, X70 Zhuge, X70 PLUS, X70, X70M, X70 Coupe, X70S, X95 Chieftain Edition, X95 Supreme Edition, X70S-EV and Jetty Travelers.

Retail data show that in February, the sales of the X70, the traveler and the X90 were 7828, 4974 and 2889, respectively.

As early as 2021, Jetta Motor set a goal of selling one million vehicles by 2026, while this year it will reach the sales target of 500000 vehicles and enter the first camp of Chinese brands. From the current sales analysis, this sales target is not easy for Jetta cars. ‍

At present, Jettos has basically completed the two-way layout of fuel and new energy, but the layout in the field of new energy is still relatively slow. According to the plan, the Jetway brand will launch eight new hybrid products and no less than six new fuel vehicles in 2-3 years, and invest 100 billion yuan in new energy research and development in the next five years. Whether the follow-up shortcut cars can achieve better results is worthy of attention.

According to the latest figures, Chery Group sold 143155 vehicles in February 2024, up 37.8% from a year earlier. The cumulative sales volume from January to February was 348019, up 69.5% from a year earlier. Among them, the Jetway brand sold 29017 vehicles in February, up 76.6% from January to February, up 121.9% from January to February.

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