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Straight down 30,000! BYD's new car goes on sale

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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BYD Seal Glory Edition was officially launched on March 25, with a total of five new models with a price range of 17.98 yuan to 249800 yuan. The new car continues BYD's idea of "electricity is lower than oil" and lowers the threshold for buying the car while the configuration and championship version remain basically the same. Compared with the championship version, the 550km elite and 550km premium models are reduced by 10, 000 yuan, the 700km premium and 700km performance versions by 20, 000 yuan, and the 650 km four-wheel drive performance version by 30, 000 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the seal glory version is basically the same as the champion version in appearance, using a closed grille design, with fumigated headlights on both sides, the low front looks more athletic, and the front is in the center of the "BYD" brand logo, the overall recognition is extremely high.

The side of the body, the shape of the slippery back and the through waistline design make the whole car look more beautiful, the overall look is very compact and round, and the hidden door handle enhances the sense of movement of the whole car. In the rear part, the new car adopts a penetrating design, which makes the visual effect of the whole car lower, the main body of the taillights on both sides adopts a water drop styling design, and the decorative parts related to marine elements are added to the position of the wing panel, side skirt and rear triangular window. In terms of size, the Seal Glory Edition has a length, width and height of 4800/1875/1460mm and wheelbase 2920mm respectively, which is consistent with the Seal Champion Edition.

In the interior part, the new car still adopts the ocean aesthetic design style, the whole department continues to be equipped with a combination of 10.25in suspension LCD instrument and 15.6inch central control screen, the new car also has dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, a variety of driving modes, DiPilot-assisted driving, automatic parking, mobile phone wireless charging and other functions. In addition, the new car also uses a new shape of transparent shift lever, the surrounding keys are surrounded by embracing layout. As a whole, it seems to have a strong sense of science and technology, and it is also in harmony with the appearance and shape of the new car.

In terms of power, the SEAL Glory Edition continues to use rear-drive and four-wheel-drive power layouts, in which the rear-drive version provides permanent magnet synchronous motors with a maximum power of 150 kW, 170 kW and 230 kW, with peak torque of 310 Nm, 330 Nm and 360 Nm, respectively. The rear axle of the four-wheel drive model is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a maximum power of 230 kW and a peak torque of 360 Nm, while the front axle is equipped with an AC asynchronous motor with a maximum power of 160 kW and a peak torque of 310 Nm.

Seal is a medium-sized pure electric vehicle owned by BYD, which was officially launched in July 2022 with a guiding price range of 20.98 yuan to 286800 yuan. It launched the champion model in May 2023, with a price of 18.98 yuan to 279800 yuan. In 2023, seals sold 94459 vehicles for the whole year, ranking 11th in the midsize car market. The launch of the glory version of the model, the price of the entry-level model is reduced by 10,000 yuan compared with the old model, the medium-and high-end model is reduced by 20,000 yuan, and the highest model is reduced by 30,000 yuan.

At a time when new energy car companies'"scale determines cost", a strong price cut by a leading brand often drives a number of other brand models in the same price range to follow suit to maintain their market share. The price war will deal a heavy blow to enterprises with low sales, forcing them to withdraw from the competition, thus quickly completing the market "reshuffle".

Qin PLUS Honor Edition and Destroyer 05 Honor Edition went on sale on February 19, with prices starting at 79800 yuan, down 20000 yuan and 22000 yuan, respectively, compared with 2023 models. Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD's brand and public relations department, said on social media that "the decisive battle with fuel cars will be completely opened." Since then, other BYD models have also launched glory versions, including Dolphin Glory, Han Family Glory, Tang DM-i Glory, Song PLUS Glory, Seal DM-i Glory, Song Pro DM-i Glory, Yuan PLUS Glory and so on.

Exchanging price for quantity is one of the means for car companies to seize market share. Weekly sales show that in the first week of BYD's price reduction, the sales of Qin PLUS and destroyer 06 soared by 25,118 respectively. In the second week, Qin PLUS overtook Model Y to become the best-selling model. With the launch of other fuel models, Song Pro, Song PLUS and other models also showed significant market growth.

The market believes that under the background of the slowdown in the overall new energy vehicle market, BYD needs to seize the market share of fuel vehicles in the market of less than 200000 yuan, and the price for quantity has become the most direct means for BYD, while the market above 200000 yuan strives for sales breakthrough and seeks overseas business increments to support sales growth. Data show that BYD sold 122300 new energy vehicles in February, compared with 193700 in the same period, down 36.8% from a year earlier. From January to February, BYD sold a total of 332800 new energy vehicles, down 6.1 per cent from a year earlier.

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