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Xiaomi car is on the market.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At 7: 00 p.m. on March 28th, the high-profile launch of Xiaomi SU7 officially kicked off in Beijing. As the first masterpiece of Xiaomi Group to enter the new energy vehicle market, SU7 carries the expectation and curiosity of countless rice noodles.

As for the appearance of Xiaomi SU7, I believe you already know whether it is bad or not under the hype of Xiaomi car. Here is a brief review. As the first model of Xiaomi car, the exterior design of Xiaomi SU7 is really impressive. We can see that the front face of Xiaomi SU7 is designed with very athletic design, the headlights are shaped with rounded polygons, and the interior adopts a lamp cavity structure similar to meter shape to improve recognition. In addition, there are real air ducts under the headlights to help the brake system dissipate heat, while the lower enclosure and engine cover highlight the sense of movement, quite sports car style. In terms of color matching, Xiaomi SU7 provides consumers with elegant ash, bay blue, olive green and other colors.

On the side of the body, Xiaomi SU7 has very smooth body lines, showing the feeling of a coupe-like sports car. The design of the back-sliding tail and the extended wheel eyebrow design are easy to remind people of the elements of a German luxury brand. In the rear part, the new car adopts the popular through taillight design, the upwarped ducktail design is very beautiful, and the rear bumper is decorated with the same color as the car body, showing a more dynamic style. It is worth mentioning that the tail logo is a modified "xiaomi" pinyin style, the lower left corner is the "Beijing Xiaomi" logo, the lower right corner of the standard version is the "SU7" logo, and the high-end version is the "SU7 Max" logo. In terms of size, the length, width and height of Xiaomi SU7 are 4997 SU7 1963 / 1440mm, wheelbase 3000mm, positioning medium and large pure electric sedan.

In terms of interior decoration, based on the "people-centered" cockpit interaction architecture and the blessing of Xiaomi's surging OS operating system, Xiaomi SU7 can achieve a comprehensive sharing ecology from hardware to software. The cockpit offers a 16.1-inch central control screen, 56-inch HUD, 7.1-inch flip dashboard, and two native car system millet Pad rear expansion screens, which match the Snapdragon 8295 cockpit chip, can achieve five-screen linkage, support CarPlay and airplay, and support Apple iPad.

In terms of power, Xiaomi SU7 offers two power versions: SU7 and SU7 Max. Among them, the Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with a maximum power of 299hp and a maximum torque of 400Nm rear motor system, CLTC pure electric range of 668km, the system supports 400V fast charging. The millet SU7 Max is equipped with a front and rear dual motor system with a maximum power of 673 horsepower and a maximum torque of 838Nm. The CLTC has a range of 800km and the system supports 800V fast charging. In other aspects, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with front double-arm and rear five-link independent suspension, Xiaomi Wind Intelligent chassis, CDC damping variable shock absorber, Bosch ESP10.0 body stabilization system, Bosch DPB brake controller, Brebo four-piston fixed calipers and other configurations.

Lei Jun officially entered the electric vehicle industry at Xiaomi's press conference on March 31, 2021, and plans to spend $10 billion to build electric vehicles within 10 years. At the press conference, Lei Jun said: "Xiaomi car is the last major start-up project in my life. I am willing to bet all my reputation and lead the team to fight for Xiaomi car."

As a technology company, Xiaomi invests far more in the automotive sector than other carmakers. According to officials, Xiaomi invested 3400 engineers in its first model and spent more than 10 billion yuan on research and development. In 2022, Xiaomi Group will spend as much as 6.7 billion yuan on innovative businesses such as smart electric vehicles. There are signs that Xiaomi is making every effort to rush into the smart electric vehicle market and strive to take the lead in this windfall.

Before Xiaomi SU7 went public, the biggest suspense was price. What Xiaomi wants is a Dream Car comparable to Porsche and Tesla, but more young consumers, or rice noodles, prefer Xiaomi's first car to continue to make friends with young people and shout a price similar to Xiaomi's first mobile phone, but this is almost impossible. Lei Jun has previously said that Xiaomi SU7 is "a little expensive, but reasonably expensive", sparking a lot of speculation.

According to the announced price of Xiaomi car, the main competitors of Xiaomi SU7 will include Xiaopeng P7, BYD Han, Polar Krypton 001G007, Zhijie S7, Tesla Model 3 and other mid-to-high-end smart electric cars, of which Han has the highest sales. In 2023, for example, BYD Han sold 227700 vehicles in the whole year, of which 105900 were the pure electric version, while only the pure electric version of Model 3 sold 147300, making it the highest-selling pure tram of more than 200000. More than 200000 of the market is the current extremely competitive market for electric cars. Xiaomi SU7 has to face too many competitors. As a technology company, although Xiaomi SU7 may have advantages in ecological interaction and intelligent driving, and the appearance design is also in line with the tastes of young people, as a cross-border player, if Xiaomi wants to occupy a place in the car-building track, in addition to coming up with convincing products. What's more, we need to make great efforts in experience, service and so on, so that consumers can really feel the different value.

However, Lei Jun is full of confidence in the future of Xiaomi SU7. "Xiaomi SU7 will be a high-quality car with a price of less than 500000 yuan, good appearance, performance and intelligence." He stressed that in terms of intelligence and ecology alone, no matter what the price of the car, the SU7 will be the "best". During the two sessions, Lei Jun also said, "We will try our best to make Xiaomi car work well and not disappoint users across the country."We will continue to struggle for 15-20 years to become one of the top five car factories in the world. therefore, we have 10 or 20 years of determination and courage, I believe Xiaomi car will be successful."

For Lei Jun and Xiaomi, there is no turning back. As a newcomer in the car-building industry, Lei Jun should more or less pay a price for building a car, and it is hard to imagine the difficulty of building a car. On the automobile track, we have witnessed too many classic examples of merger and reorganization, delisting and bankruptcy. Fortunately, Xiaomi Group has abundant funds to cover the research and development, production, sales and promotion of Xiaomi automobiles. But whether it is successful or not, the market will always give the answer.

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