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The momentum N7 has dropped by 60,000! From 239800 yuan

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 1, the new Tengli N7 was officially launched, with a total of four models with a price range of 23.98-329800 yuan. As a revamped model, the new Tengli N7 adds 550km entry-level models on the basis of the previous 630km and 702km to provide more options and lower the threshold for purchase.

In terms of appearance, the new Teng Teng N7 redesigns the front face, cancels the "rhythm" and "smart" full-face grille lights used in cash, and is equipped with parallel-designed day lights under the headlights. The front encirclement is also adjusted to reduce the enclosed area and integrate the black crystal lidar panel in the fog lamp area on both sides. This change, the new car also added "Xizi blue" appearance painting, compared with the old blue, more younger.

The shape of the side and rear of the body has not been adjusted, it is still a sedan SUV style design, equipped with hidden door handles, with spoiler at the rear. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Tengli N7 is still 4860/1935/1602mm, and the wheelbase is 2940mm.

When it comes to the car, the new Tengli N7 still has a 50-inch AR-HUD, a 17.3-inch central control screen and a 10.25-inch co-driver screen. It continues to be equipped with Nappa leather seats, 5D cloud seats, 128color atmosphere lights, Tivale stereo and rear seat heating, ventilation, massage and other functions.

The new Tengli N7 is equipped with a streaming inner rearview mirror and a 2 million-pixel external camera under the spoiler. The sub-instrument area continues to provide two 50-watt mobile phone wireless charging panels with heat sink, while the shift lever ball head is made of crystal and is equipped with two lifting cup holders at the rear. However, the new car removes the display of the current model on both sides of the air outlet and the touch button below.

In terms of power, the new Tengli N7 still provides two power forms: single-motor rear drive and dual-motor four-wheel drive, of which the 550th version has a maximum power output 170kW and a peak torque of 380N ·m. The maximum power output of version 702 is 230kW, and the peak torque is 360N ·m. The 170kW single-motor model is equipped with 71.8kwh battery pack, which can provide 550km mileage, while the 230kW single-motor model has 702km mileage and the four-wheel drive model has 630km mileage. In terms of suspension, the 550 model is equipped with Yunyi-C system and uses electromagnetic suspension. The 630 two cars are equipped with cloud-A system, in addition to the electromagnetic suspension, single-cavity air suspension is also upgraded to double-cavity air suspension.

Teng Teng N7 is the second model launched after the brand rejuvenation, and it is also the first SUV, bearing the upward mission of the brand. In July, 2023, Teng Teng N7 listed, the price range is 30.18-379800 yuan, power to provide rear-drive, four-wheel drive two forms. By contrast, the price of the new Tengli N7 has been reduced by 62000 yuan, lowering the sales threshold, which is expected to increase overall sales.

The main competitors of the Teng Teng N7 are mainly medium and large pure electric SUV, such as Tesla Model Y, Xilai ES6 and Xiaopeng G9. Compared with the competition, the configuration and price of the new Teng Teng N7 are more attractive, but the size is worse than that of the G9 and ES6.

Momentum is an important layout of BYD in the luxury brand market, and the momentum N7 bears the important task of development. In 2023, Teng Teng retail 127300 vehicles, of which Teng Teng D9 was 118600 and Teng Teng N7 was 6437. The launch of the new model, we can also see the sincerity of the momentum for this car and the rapid response to the market. In recent months, the new energy vehicle market has set off a new round of price war.

Looking ahead, combined with previous reports, Tencent will launch three flagship models this year, including the upcoming double flagship sedan (Porsche Panamera and Maybach S-Class) at the Beijing Auto Show, and the new SUV momentum N9, which will be released at the end of 2024.

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