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Xiaopeng G6 official reduced 10,000 yuan!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 11, Xiaopeng announced that its medium-sized SUV Xiaopeng G6 brand new 580 long-range Plus model has been officially put on the market, with an official guiding price of 199900 yuan and a time-limited discount price of 179900 yuan from now until April 30. Compared with the current Xiaopeng G6 entry model, the price of the new car is reduced by 10,000 yuan, further lowering the threshold of the car. As a comparison, the current price range of Xiaopeng G6 is 209900-276900 yuan.

At the same time, Xiaopeng car G6 Black Samurai version is also released, the car is based on the current Xiaopeng G6, the body and many details are blackened design, compared with the current model, the new car is more athletic. Specifically, in terms of appearance, the front face of the new car uses a black grille design, with a split headlight group, the LED light belt runs through the whole front, and both sides of the front are surrounded by headlights. In addition, the bottom of the front face of the new car also uses a black medium net design, which looks full of personality. The new car has smooth lines on the side of the body, equipped with hidden door handles, black rims and exterior rearview mirrors, and black treatment of the window frame, making it more athletic as a whole. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4753/1920/1650mm, the wheelbase is 2890mm, and the layout of 5 seats is adopted. The rear part of the car, the rear lampshade of the new car is also designed in black, and the tail marks such as "XPENG" and "G6" around the body are also presented in black, making the overall sense of movement full.

In the interior part, the overall layout of the new car is mainly simple, and the new soft light rice color matching is added in the color matching, which forms a sharp contrast with the appearance. The center console is horizontal layout, equipped with suspended central control screen and narrow strip embedded instrument, the overall sense of science and technology. In terms of power, the new car adopts 800V XPower electric drive system, equipped with single motor rear drive, maximum motor power 218kW, maximum torque 440N ·m, matching 66kWh lithium iron phosphate battery pack.

The Xiaopeng G6 was officially launched on June 29th, 2023, with a price range of 20.99-276900 yuan. It is the fifth production car of Xiaopeng and the first model under the "supporting and shaking" structure of Xiaopeng SEPA2.0. It provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive power, of which the two-wheel drive version has the maximum power 218kW and the peak torque is 440N ·m. Four-wheel drive version of comprehensive power 358kW, comprehensive torque 660N ·m, domestic competitors include Tesla Model Y, BYD Song L and other pure electric vehicles.

In February this year, Xiaopeng G6 started a time-limited official reduction, with a direct drop of 20,000 yuan for all models, but the price reduction failed to bring about an increase in sales. Retail data show that the cumulative sales of the Xiaopeng G6 in the first three months of this year were 4437, and from January to March were 1803, 1161 and 1473 respectively, a significant decline compared with the initial launch of the new car.

Price reduction is certainly a good thing for consumers, but it is worth mentioning that the current pure electric medium-sized SUV market segment competition is very fierce, coupled with entering 2024, more and more car companies began to reduce prices to seize the market, and Xiaopeng G6 competitiveness has been much lower than before, the Xiaopeng G6 entry model price is cheaper, can bring sales for Xiaopeng car, we might as well look forward to.

According to the plan, Xiaopeng's annual sales target is expected to exceed 280000 in 2024. According to this calculation, Xiaopeng needs to complete the delivery of about 23000 new cars per month. The latest figures show that Xiaopeng sold 21821 cars in the first quarter of this year, up 20 per cent from a year earlier.

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