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Tesla Cybertruck recalls again

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tesla will recall 3878 2024 Cybertruck in the United States because of safety risks in the throttle pedals.

Officials say the plastic decorative panel at the top of the throttle pedal may fall off and get stuck, which can easily cause the vehicle to accelerate unexpectedly and increase the risk of collision. However, officials point out that no accidents or injuries related to the problem have been received. Subsequent officials will notify users in June that the accelerator pedal assembly will be replaced or repaired free of charge.

According to officials, the fault was found after users received a report on the failure of the accelerator pedal at the end of March. After a series of tests, it was decided to launch a recall. In addition to recalling existing Cybertruck vehicles, Tesla said it has begun to use the new throttle pedal assembly to produce the new Cybertruck.

In fact, the official recall bodes well for a long time. A few days ago, many netizens posted on the social platform that they had received official notice that the delivery of their Cybertruck had been delayed. In addition, some dealers revealed to car owners that the reason for the delay in delivery was related to the acceleration pedal.

It is worth mentioning that this is the second time that Cybertruck has recalled this year. In February, the 2024 Cybertruck was recalled because the font size of brakes, parking and ABS warning lights on the dashboard did not meet the requirements, making important safety information difficult for drivers to detect and increasing the risk of vehicle collisions. Tesla said at that time that the recalled vehicles would be remotely upgraded.

Less than half a year after the delivery of new cars, frequent recalls occur, which will inevitably make consumers worry about their quality. Although taking the initiative to recall and withdraw car companies' stringent requirements on their own products, it is a responsible attitude. However, after all, with the rapid development of the intelligence of new energy vehicles, the dependence of vehicle models on the engine system is higher than that of traditional vehicles. Once there is a problem, the impact on the function of the vehicle is more obvious.

Data show that Cybertruck is Tesla's first electric pickup truck, which was unveiled in 2019. Since its appearance, the unique style has been loved by many netizens. Statistics from relevant third-party organizations show that by the end of 2023, the order volume of Cybertruck has exceeded 2 million vehicles. However, due to battery capacity and other reasons, the delivery of the new car only began on November 30 last year. In terms of price, the entry version of the Cybertruck starts at $60990, the four-wheel drive version costs $79990 and the Beast version costs $99990.

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